1. N个数,前N个数之和为N*(N+1)/2,求99和301之间的偶数之和.
Y.T.:B sure
2. 一个什么东东零售价格为54.78元,excluding tax, 3.92元是加在什么含税的价格上,且其比例为5%,问该东东的不含税成本是多少?
3. 一道很老很老的机经. 共和党和民主党人数的比例原来为3/5, 后来又有一次登记, 共和党增加了600人, 民主党增加了500人, 两者的比例变为4/5, 问登记后, 民主党人数比共和党人数多多少? 我的答案是300
Y.T. 400
4. 10的50次方减74的值,所有位数的和是多少?
Y.T: 440 sure
5. two version, same question
ds K=0.1-(0.1)^2 问x>0.05/-----my ans: e
a. k>0.009/x b k<0.009/x
6. K=0.1-(0.1)^2, 问X>0.5? 1) K< 0.009/X 2) K> 0.009/X 我的答案是A, 可能错了.
agree A
k=0.09 so , from 1) x<0.1 from 2)x>0.1
6. 有. 22,有一数列,该数列有8个数,都是前10个数中的。问标准差是多少 my ans:a
a 该数列的平均数与这10个数的平均数一样 b: not include 22
Y.T. B
why A is sufficient ?
eg. ,4,6,8,10,16,18,20,22 and 4,6,10,12,14,16,20,22 same AVE but different sigma
7),三个考官考30学生,A认为15名过,B认为17名过,C 认为18名过。只有三人都过者才叫过,问至少有几人过了。
8. 60 cars, either full-size or compact or sports.31 is white, 10 is red, 19 is blue,how many cars are full-size?
(1).not all red and blue cars are full-size.
(2).the number of full-size is greater than the sum of compact and sport cars.
another version:
一个公司有60辆车, 分为三种类型, 我们就叫它A, B, C吧, 其中白色的31辆, 红色的19辆, 蓝色的10辆, 问有多少辆A车? 1). 蓝色的和红色的车都不是A车; 2) A车多于B车和C车的总数. 我的答案是C. 这题与我看到的JJ不太一样.
Attention :'not all' VS '都不是'
9.|x+3| + |x-2| = 5, x will NOT be? 3
各位, 除了把选择项代入 还有什么办法吗? ^^
10 1994年, 一个公司总共往外发传真80 BILLION, 已知其从1987年开始, 每年发的传真数比上年增长(INCREASED BY )700%, 求其1987年发了多少BILLION传真? .a. 560, b…(界于60和100之间).c. 56.d.11.4, e.10
sure 10
11. The unit digit the square of a 2-digit number X+1) is 1.
And that of (X+3)^2 11
wahat is the unit digit of (x-3)?
probably sth wrong , how come 'that of (X+3)^2 11'
12. 特殊定义: r>1时, r* = 1- (1/r), 问 r > 2时, r*=?
答案用r表示, 答案不大记得了,有一个 r[1/(r-1)]
13. Given an equation for a series
Then 7^78= a huge number
Find 7^79 in term of 7^78
14. 3 circles A, B, C. Is A>B ?
center of B coincide with C.
15. Set problem. Total number of student was given. Certain number of students takes Math class (M), another number of them takes Chemistry class (c). What is M and C?
16. sequence: 102, 108, 114,……………An=A(n-3)+18, which can be in the sequence? 选项不记得了(last question)
17. line L is parallel to x=y, and 不经过第2 象限,(a,b)is a point on the line, which must be true?
a. a-b>0, b. a-b<0, c…d….e……
18. x increase by 20% each year for two years, y increase by ***(忘了) for the first year and by 4% for the second year, 好象是比较x,y哪个增长的多in percenta
[此贴子已经被lisaislisa于2002-12-18 21:34:48编辑过]
作者: lisaislisa 时间: 2002-12-18 21:40
thx all
i've made some adjustment from your idea and new JJ
but still leave some for discussion
take care ^^作者: redli 时间: 2002-12-19 00:01
6)why B is sufficient ?( 和(一样吗?
8)如果是"NOT ALL"是否应选E?
14)题目没看懂,能否解释一下?作者: lisaislisa 时间: 2002-12-20 17:38
机警总结 讨论题部分 12.12--12.16
1. N个数,前N个数之和为N*(N+1)/2,求99和301之间的偶数之和.
Y.T.:B sure
2. 一个什么东东零售价格为54.78元,excluding tax, 3.92元是加在什么含税的价格上,且其比例为5%,问该东东的不含税成本是多少?
3. 一道很老很老的机经. 共和党和民主党人数的比例原来为3/5, 后来又有一次登记, 共和党增加了600人, 民主党增加了500人, 两者的比例变为4/5, 问登记后, 民主党人数比共和党人数多多少? 我的答案是300
Y.T. 400
4. 10的50次方减74的值,所有位数的和是多少?
Y.T: 440 sure
5. two version, same question
ds K=0.1-(0.1)^2 问x>0.05/-----my ans: e
a. k>0.009/x b k<0.009/x
6. K=0.1-(0.1)^2, 问X>0.5? 1) K< 0.009/X 2) K> 0.009/X 我的答案是A, 可能错了.
agree A
k=0.09 so , from 1) x<0.1 from 2)x>0.1
6. 有. 22,有一数列,该数列有8个数,都是前10个数中的。问标准差是多少 my ans:a
a 该数列的平均数与这10个数的平均数一样 b: not include 22
Y.T. B
why A is sufficient ?
eg. ,4,6,8,10,16,18,20,22 and 4,6,10,12,14,16,20,22 same AVE but different sigma
now i choose C
only B is not sufficient , when 1)+2) there will be one cessesion , that is 6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20
7. i am afraid i was wrong , but still don't know the ans
8. why B ?
Lisa: E
no matter it is 'not all' or ' all not' ,we don't know if white car is type A car
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