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标题: [转帖]9.20, 加州, 730(48,43) [打印本页]

作者: smart    时间: 2006-9-22 16:19     标题: [转帖]9.20, 加州, 730(48,43)

数学很烂(其实从小就很烂...), call me a retard on math!!! Well, 48对于自己其实算正常 =P

大概因为烂, JJ的难题都没见什么,估计是老在低分区struggle...

1. Given 452*37*16, add 1 to which one of the 7 integers will increase the value of the product by less than 1000?

2. For a line in XY plain, given slope of the line -1/5 and the line passes through point (a,b) (a,b are constant numbers that I don't freaking remember...), what's the formula that best describes such line?

3. What is the value of the square root of a^2b^16((ac)^2)^-2?   I think the answer was b^8c^-2..

4. 2*10^5 + 1 is guaranteed to be divisible by which of the integers listed below?   The choices were 2,3,4,5,6....


Verbal 也还算正常, 两次GMAT PREP 都是这个 range...

CR: (This is what I remember in terms of content, NOT the original context...)

1. The Federal revenue anti-fraud department always gives one week notice before auditing a bank...then the argument says this is really bad because doing so will allow the bank time to cover up any fraud commission.  Asked for assumption...the answer should be something like covering up won't make it even better for the Federal Dept to trace evidences of fraud.

2. Because of increasing crime rate, some dude suggests that high level police officer's salary should be linked to their performance in their respective  as reflected by crime rate.  If crime rate decreases, then the officer should get a pay raise, and vice versa. Asked to weaken...the answer should be something like it is impossible to calculate crime rates by a completely unbiased and independent officer.

3.Some company got 3 departments, one of them had a major employee cut, while the other two only employed a moderate number of employee, a number that was significantly less than that of the cut.  However, overall the average pay of the company slightly increase.  Asked which is best supported by this...the answer should be something like the average pay of the newly employed is higher than that of the cut


Often patients with ankle fractures that are stable, and thus do not require surgery, are given follow-up x-ray because their orthopedists are concerned about possibly having misjudged the stability of the fracture. When number of follow-up x-rays were reviewed, however, all the fractures that had initially been judged stable were found to have healed correctly.  X-rays of patients of many different orthopedists working in several hospitals were reviewed.  Asked which was best supported by this...the answer was it was uncessary to order follow-up x-rays of ankle fracture initially judged stable.

5.In some place, gardeners there often dumb some weed to the river as gardening waste.  The nutrition provided by the river is very damn good for the growth of such weed.   The weed is expanding like crazy and choking a rare plant that resides also in the river.  Therefore, gardeners should take the blame.  Asked to weaken...answer should be something like a strong seasonal wind brought the weed to the river from somewhere far away.

5.In some place, gardeners there often dumb some weed to the river as gardening waste.  The nutrition provided by the river is very damn good for the growth of such weed.   The weed is expanding like crazy and choking a rare plant that resides also in the river.  Therefore, gardeners should take the blame.  Asked to weaken...answer should be something like a strong seasonal wind brought the weed to the river from somewhere far away.

RC: (Again, this is what I remember in terms of content, not the original context...)

Evolution of horse. 

Evolution of horse. 

Saying horses, unlike other animal such as squrril, change a lot from ancient days til modern.

Saying horses, unlike other animal such as squrril, change a lot from ancient days til modern.

First, horses in ancient days used to live in forest and fed on leaves.  Ice age came, most part of the forest was covered by ice sheet. Horses had to migrate to some plain where it was warm enough for grass to grow.  So their diet changed from leaves to grass. But their metabolic system could not break down glutose in grass as effectively so they had to eat a whole lot and also their bodies became a lot bigger because the bigger the body is , the better it can store energy.

First, horses in ancient days used to live in forest and fed on leaves.  Ice age came, most part of the forest was covered by ice sheet. Horses had to migrate to some plain where it was warm enough for grass to grow.  So their diet changed from leaves to grass. But their metabolic system could not break down glutose in grass as effectively so they had to eat a whole lot and also their bodies became a lot bigger because the bigger the body is , the better it can store energy.

Second, horses' faces were lengthened for better chance of survival.  The ancestor of horse used to feed on leaves but in the plain, when they were feeding on grass, their eyes were always blocked by surrounding tall grass and therefore they were unable to see pretators coming. 

Second, horses' faces were lengthened for better chance of survival.  The ancestor of horse used to feed on leaves but in the plain, when they were feeding on grass, their eyes were always blocked by surrounding tall grass and therefore they were unable to see pretators coming. 

作者: smart    时间: 2006-9-22 16:21


1.  according to the passage, why did the ancestor of horse moved out of forest?

    answer should be because of the reduced quantities of available food.

2. ..

Married women's property rights and their social status.

Saying in the 18 and early 19 century, common laws dictated that when a woman is married, her husband takes over all her properties.  The man had control the right to use the woman's properties while she lived and became the owner of the properties upon the woman's death.  Only one thing can prevent this from happening , something like "pre-marriage settlement"

Then..some law about women's right of property was finally established!!  then blah blah blah, how good the law was and things like that.  Then, a scholar named Sammas? said this law substantially changed women's status. 

BUT, another scholar named Beard? diagreed with Sammas and said the effects of this new law  was overstated because before this new law was established, there always existed "equity court" that serve the same purpose.

BUT, a third scholar named Salmon came out to challenge Beard.  Salmon said equitty court can't do much because most states were very hostile against equity court and in the cases where the court gave women the right of properties,  some were attempts made by men to transfer all properties to their women to avoid consequences of bankrupcy. 

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-22 16:26:53编辑过]

作者: smart    时间: 2006-9-22 16:23


1. purpose of the passage

   answer should be to cronicle laws regarding women's right of properties and examine the implication to women's status.

2. inferred from the passage, what would Beard mostly likely think of equity court

   answer should be it substantially improve women's status


Consumer's choices

Two female scholars conducted a study.  They gave one group of consumers 6 jars and the other group 24 jars.  They found that the group facing 6 jars is more likely to make a decision which one to buy than the other group facing 24 jars.  Therefore the two scholars hypothsized something like more choices more confusion.  And an example of when employees given many different retirement packages to choose from.

A third female scholar found that this theory is generally true EXCEPT if the consumer has a clear preference to what exactly he/she wants, then this consumer will pick the first one that matches his/her criteria. 


1. which one most seriously weaken the finding of the study

   answer should be out of the 6 jars given to the first group, most people in the group have seen at least one of the jars, whereas out of the 24 jars given to the second group, most people in the group have never seen any of the jars.

2. what's the purpose of giving the "retirement package" example at the end of that paragraph

   answer should be something like to show the study has practical value in consumer's decision or sth.


Grey market

Saying that Manufacturer and retailers are normally afraid of grey market because grey market sells products at cut prices and that would hamper their businesses.  But a study found that under some CERTAIN conditions, grey market would befinit manufacturer and retailers.  Such condition is when most customers in the market are of either one of the two types: either being "very price sensitive" or being "very selective but price incensitive".  The grey market will absorb the very price sensitives customers so that retailers don't have to offer large discount off their normal prices to attract bargainers, who have already been absorbed to the grey market.  As a result of that, retailers can focus on competing for the 2nd type of customers who are willing to pay high prices but are very picky about quality and services and thus they achieve better profit margin.


1. What best describes the functions of the 2nd and 3rd paragraph

   answer should be something the 2nd paragraph gives a condition in which grey market can benifit retailers and the 3rd paragraph explains why it's benefitial

2. Oops...

OK 好像就这么多了, 因为我中文打的非常慢, 所以就用英文了...

希望大家都能考到好的分数.  谢谢

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-22 16:25:54编辑过]

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