AA124.The following appeared in a memorandum from the owner of Carlo’s Clothing to the staff.
“Since Disc Depot, the music store on the next block, began a new radio advertising campaign last year, its business has grown dramatically, as evidenced by the large increase in foot traffic into the store. While the Disc Depot’s owners have apparently become wealthy enough to retire, profits at Carlo’s Clothing have remained stagnant for the past three years. In order to boost our sales and profits, we should therefore switch from newspaper advertising to frequent radio advertisements like those for Disc Depot.”
AI32. “You can tell the ideas of a nation by its advertisements.”
1. F(x)=1+1/x, F(F(x))=?
2. a+2b是偶数吗? 条件给了一些a,b间的关系,具体不清楚了,但是解题思路是:偶+偶=偶,奇+奇=偶,偶+奇=奇。用这三个规律就能判断了。
3 (机井51题)有玩具,大中小,和红蓝绿黄,大小和颜色的组合是一样的,一个人要红色的中型,问他妈妈任意选一个玩具的颜色和大小至少有一个符合的概率。答案:1/2
4 S是一个等式的解的集合,这个等式是(x-1)(x+2)+(x-1)(x+4)=0,问下面的结论哪个是正确的? A) S有2个元素,S里面有-2;B)S有2个元素,S里面有-1;CDE选项都说S有3个元素,我觉得不对,我选的是B,大家 讨论一下吧
5 (r^2-s^2)^2=? 1) 4r^2s^2=120 2) (r^2+s^2)^2=4r^2s^2
6 在坐标轴上,有两条斜率不为0的直线K和L,问K的Y轴截距〉L的Y轴截距吗?1)K的X轴截距〉L的X轴截距 2)K//L
7 有白色花21个和红色花91个,说要拿这些花扎成花束bouquet,每束花里面白色和红色的花个数相等,最多能扎多少束相同的花束?(这是我理解的意思,不是很确定,当时我非常不能理解-_-!)
8 x+y>0? 1) x>y(这个条件不肯定,记不起来了) 2) x^y<0
9 一个人每行驶45分钟后要休息15分钟,在45分钟里面,如果这个人走高速公路车速是60,如果走另外一条路车速是40,问如果这个人在路途上用了4个小时,而且走的是高速公路,他走了多少路程?
10 (是机井35题)说有个三角形,边A、B、C。问是否是right angle。
2) A^2+C^2=3^2+5^2
11 机井38题变体,a,b非负,问ab=? 1)4^a=2^b 2)2^a=3^b --------估计发现原来的题目出的不太好(之前CD上讨论出来有两条线重合的可能性)这题就干脆不跟你说线了-_-!
12 机井71题. A=圆面积,C=圆周长,A:C=1:2√2 (2根号2),问A=?
13 机井60. 3个人同时同速工作36小时完成任务,如加1个人同速工作,问可少用多少时间。
14 机井65.(本月过往JJ) a1=1,a2=2,a3=21,an=an-1^an-2,问a6/a5=?
15 机井74. DS:一个公司的员工,点甜点的有75%(数据都记得不确定),问点了咖啡的有多少:1)点甜点的人中有55%点了咖啡;2)点了咖啡的人90%点了甜点
16 9^845除以10余多少? 我选9(感觉9的次方,指数是偶数个位是1,指数是奇数个位是9)
17 一个酒店,有两种房间,3个卧室的和4个卧室的。对于所有的房间,租金range=600;对于3个卧室的,租金range=300,问4个卧室的租金range是多少? (条件不太记得了,看到5号的机井里面有个类似的)
18 1/5+根号0.5 大约=?
19 造一个建筑物规化一个长方形的土地,规定这个长方形的周长>=1%的面积,问下面哪个可能是面积的最大值?
20 有男的多少人和女的多少人,有的自己开车,有的坐公交车,给了一些数据,比方说女的坐公交车的多少人等等,问其中男的自己开车的有多少人?数据不记得了,但是题目想考什么大家应该清楚吧,画个表格就一目了然了。
21 图表题目,是一张反映15个人的体重和一种疾病关系的图,纵坐标是体重的范围(200-210,210-220这样子),横坐标是得病的概率吧。问15个人里面的体重的中数在哪个范围里面?
22 坐标平面内,一个三角形由X轴,Y轴,和y=8x+a组成,问这个三角的面积和1的关系(大于or小于)。条件想不起来了……
第一篇:讲household saving和business saving。Policy maker说要支持increase household saving,而有些人说increase household saving又会导致人们不买东西,就导致business saving decrease。……别的实在想不起来了,这是第一篇,很容易看懂的。
Argument 各攻击点范本:
The conclusion endorsed in this argument is that … To substantiate this conclusion, the author points out that … Furthermore, the author reasons that … In addition, the author assumes that … Admittedly, the argument appears to be somewhat convictive, yet meticulous scrutiny reveals that the author’s line of reasoning bears several inevitable fallacies.
Based on the reasons I listed above, the argument is not persuasive as it stands. The evidence cited in support of the author’s conclusion does little to prove the conclusion since it does not address the possibilities and assumptions I have already raised. Ultimately, the argument might have been more compelling by making it clear that …… [Moreover, I will still suspect this conclusion until the author finally rules out all the potentialities mentioned above.]
Hasty Generalization 小集合-〉大集合,特殊-〉广泛
Misapplied Generalization 大范围-〉小范围、特殊个体
First, the most egregious reasoning error in this argument is the author’s use of evidence pertaining to particular/general group as the basis for a general/particular group. The evidence cited, while suggestive of these trends, is insufficient to warrant their truth because there is no reason to believe that the data drawn from this particular/general group is representative of the general/particular group.
The mere fact that 小范围中一个这样了 hardly suffices to infer 大范围也这样. There are all kinds of important difference between 小范围and 大范围. It is entirely possible that…… Without better evidence that 小范围和大范围情况一样, it is just likely that there is no such trend in 小范围. For that matter, the author cannot justify its recommendation to …, at least not based on ……. Furthermore, implementing the author’s suggestion might amount to poor advice.
Post hoc, ergo propter hoc 先后因果和同时因果都能用
In the first place, the author has engaged in “after this, therefore because of this” reasoning in assuming that A is the sole reason behind B. The only reason offered for believing that A caused B is the fact that the former preceded/coincided with the latter. No additional evidence linking the two events is offered in the argument, thus leaving the possibility that the two events are not causally related but merely correlated. Many other prospective factors could bring about the same result. For example, …… In this argument, unfortunately, while temporal precedence/concurrence such as A is one of the conditions required to establish a causal relationship between two events, by itself it is not a sufficient condition.
The author has focused only on A. No evidence is provided to support the assumption that B was determined solely by A. While A is an seemingly contributing factor to B, it is hardly the only such factor. A more detailed analysis would reveal that other factors far outweigh the factor on which the author focuses. For example, …… Lacking a more comprehensive analysis of the causes, it is presumptuous for the author to attribute B to A.
False Analogy A这样-〉B也会这样 (相对于两件事)
In the second place, the author commits a fallacy of false analogy in assuming that A will achieve/have/suffer the same result as B, if A像B那样做. Yet, it supplies no evidence whatsoever to substantiate this assumption. Some points of comparison between A and B or the environments and conditions in which they are hold may not be sufficient enough to warrant this claim. For example, …… Apparently, the comparability between A and B is not proved or even considered, thus making the analogy untenable. In other words, there may be many dissimilarities between A and B that preclude them from having a similar effect on … .
All things are equal (相对于一件事)
Finally, the author’s assumes without justification that the background conditions have remained/will remain the same at different time/at different locations. However, it fails to consider that the current conditions are wholly distinct for every possible reason. It is not clear in this argument whether 可能变化的东西. [Admittedly, had ten years elapsed the argument would be even weaker, yet … years is sufficient time for a significant change in the overall economy and …. ] The author’s failure to investigate or even consider other possible transformations renders the conclusion highly suspect.
Thirdly, the author turns on the dubious assumption that … can … without sacrificing the … The argument fails to consider the benefits … might bring as well as the harm … might occur. In fact, (这个决定所带来的坏处)…… After evaluate the situation more comprehensively, it may turns out that the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Because the argument lacks a complete analysis of the situation, the author’s forecast of … cannot be taken seriously.
False Dilemma A or B的选择,只选A或者B
In addition, the author assumes that A and B are mutually exclusive alternatives and there is no room for a middle ground. However, the author provides no reason for imposing an either-or choice. Adjusting the two solutions might produce better results. It is equally possible that A and B are both feasible in solve the problem. Furthermore, if the author is wrong in the assumption that A and B are the only two possible causes of the problem, then the most effective solution might include other complex measures-for example …, …, and … .
Appeal to Ignorance
First, the argument turns on the assumption that customers who did not complain were satisfied with … However, the evidence offered is insufficient to support the claim: lack of proof is not proof. It is entirely possible that people express their displeasure simply by not returning the complaint sheets. The greater the percentage of such people, the weaker the argument’s evidence as a sign of customer’s satisfaction with … is. Lacking more concrete information about customer’s attitudes, the author cannot assume that the great majority of customer who did not complain are pleased with …..
Vested interest 攻击调查的回应者的既得利益 (弱攻击)
We have strong reasons to question the creditability and neutrality of the reports made by …, who has vested interest and therefore is prone to take the position to his own advantage.
Specious evidence 似是而非的数据和证据
Finally, the author assumes that the numbers of …, …, and … are all reliable indicators of ……. However, no evidence is offered to support this assumption nor is it obvious that any of these factors are directly linked to …. Without the absolute number/value of …, the mere percentage cannot safely indicate anything. It is entirely probable that …… Drawing any reliable conclusion based on these specious evidences is unjustified.
Doubtful survey/Information too vague 质疑的,模糊的调查 攻击统计和抽样调查
Next, the poll/survey cited by the author is described in the vaguest possible terms. The argument does not indicate who conducted the poll, who responded, or how the poll was conducted. Lacking information about the number of people surveyed and the number of respondents, it is impossible to evaluate the validity of the results. If hundreds of people are surveyed but only few people responded, then the survey results are worthless as evidence for ….
Respondent 攻击回复者的统计有效性 Biased sample;
A threshold problem with the argument involves statistical reliability of the survey. The author provides no evidence that the number of respondent is statistically significant or that the respondents were representative of all …… in general. For example, the survey has to do with…, it makes sense that only less … would respond to it, thereby distorting the overall picture of whole group due to the biased sample. Lacking information about the randomness and the size of the survey’s sample, the author cannot make a convincing argument based on that survey.
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