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标题: [转帖]8/29 US - 伤心啊 - 少量JJ. [打印本页]

作者: smart    时间: 2006-8-31 20:37     标题: [转帖]8/29 US - 伤心啊 - 少量JJ.

刚考完. 很伤心. 没达到目标. 考时太紧张. sigh!!!! Math第一题DS要选D的选了C, confirm的一刹那发现了但太迟了, 恨不得当场撞死. Verbal的第一篇是anagon那个, 定不下心看不进, 又花了不少时间, 越来越紧张. Sigh.



AA: The following appeared in a memorandum to the planning department of an investment firm.

“Costs have begun dropping for several types of equipment currently used to convert solar energy into electricity. Moreover, some exciting new technologies for converting solar energy are now being researched and developed. Hence we can expect that solar energy will soon become more cost efficient and attractive than coal or oil as a source of electrical power. We should, therefore, encourage investment in Solario, a new manufacturer of solar-powered products. After all, Solario’s chief executive was once on the financial planning team for Ready-to-Ware, a software engineering firm that has shown remarkable growth since its recent incorporation.”

AI: “Location has traditionally been one of the most important determinants of a business’s success. The importance of location is not likely to change, no matter how advanced the development of computer communications and others kinds of technology becomes.”

Math. 很多JJ. 但还是50. 估计是第一题选错了搞的. 这题可能是新的还记得. 

DS: X is an positive number, is X < 1?

(1) x^2 < x^(1/3)

(1) x^3 < x^(1/3)

SC 还算简单. 但有几个可以看出出题的人有心险恶:

(1) 剩下两个里面选,  what appear to be 和what appear as 选,  what appear to be后面有点小毛病, 但后来还是选了.
(2) focus和谓语差很远, 差点把focus当复数了.

A. Unlike Europe diesel powered engineer account for 10% of new car sales, in US….

B. Unlike in Europe diesel powered engineer account for 10% of new car sales, in US….


正确的我认为是: In Europe…., while in US…..

(4) what they had expected to….

   something that they had expected to…..

我选了 something that they had expected to.

CR 运气不好, 没碰上GWD的, 不是GWD的JJ我没看. 总体还好, 和GWD差不多.

RC 其实都是JJ的. 但没仔细看, 考时就是RC看来看去看不进去, 脑子里乱轰轰的. 估计这次败在RC上. 平时自以为RC强, 考前没怎么有心复习RC.

最后分数出来, 720 (M50, V38). 平时做GWD基本都是错2-3个啊. GWD1那个才错了一个. 伤心啊. 分数不上不下的, 要了又觉得不够高, 再考一次又觉得精力不够,. 害. 这次考试花了我很多精力, 毕竟年龄不轻了, 女儿也要两岁了, 年轻时喝10杯coffee睡三个小时的日子过去了. Sigh!!! 再叹口气.

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