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标题: Robert之家作文总结2002.11.25-12.01 [打印本页]

作者: yiyuan05    时间: 2002-11-29 21:11

作者: tongxun    时间: 2002-11-29 21:50

作者: lucylu    时间: 2002-12-1 00:50

作者: BATI巴蒂    时间: 2002-12-1 19:41     标题: Robert之家作文总结2002.11.25-12.01


*保护能源是否必须 the leadership and worldwide cooperation

*47.The following appeared as part of an article in the business section of a local newspaper.
The owners of the Cumquat Café evidently made a good business decision in moving to a new location, as can be seen from the fact that the Café will soon celebrate its second anniversary there.  Moreover, it appears that businesses are not likely to succeed at the old location:  since the Café.s move, three different businesses: a tanning salon, an antique emporium, and a pet-grooming shop .have occupied its former spot..


*natural Environment preservation, whether government should take responsibility or individual person.
*a person's achievement is more important than his personal faults.
*Government should not be responsible for regulating the standards & ??? of the organizations. Instead, the organizations themselves should take the responsibility for doing that.

* NO.16(?) two medications, Ease-Acid, P.., Doctors chose 76 million more Ease-Acid than P.., so people who xxx should choose Ease-Acid.
I followed the samples of writing, easy to handle.
* Change of speed limit is dangerous. Because in the past , when EAST--- change it's speed limits, the percent of automobile accidents increased.
*XX大学在两年前began to use interactive computer education in three academic subjects, the dropout rate declined immediately and the graduates’ performance made obvious achievements this year, so the school should invest more funds to buy computer and begin computer education in all subjects.


*保护能源不可能由单个国家实现, 需加强国家合作.
*arts and science
*Modern development of business and technology have make the quality of our life better than ever before.
*The most effective way for a businessperson ...(孙远绿皮书45)
*employers should only rely on objective information such as resume and education...
*university hospital versus other kinds of hospital. AA:DAILY GAZETTE做广告,什么CLERK每次都问顾客看没看过广告。
*A powerful business leader has far more influence than any government official on course of the community or a nation.
*The shopping mall constructed last year of the Oak city is a mistake
* Two of today's best-selling brands of full-strength prescription medication ......(
*A donot approve to give loan to Kool kone ice cream chain because winter is cold....


*NO.121 .
*Too many people think only about getting results. The key to success, however, is to focus on the specific task at hand and not to worry about results.
*(129) advice of outside experts or own employees
*Corporations and other business should use 'flat' organizational structure to encourage coperation between employees.
*A business person should follow the highest standard of ethic.
*self-interest and fear are two fores that motivate people。
*responsibility for reserving environmemt is belong to individual, not to government.
*29. Too many people think only about getting results. The key to success, however, is to focus on the specific task at hand and not to worry about results.
*The most effective leaders is thoes who are the highest ethical standards.
*there'll be conflict between the duty to serve society and to make money for a corporation
*The employees should have right to design their working place.
*whether blame faults of a person who attained great achievement in a field.
*Building reflects the attitudes and
*full access to employee''s file
*公司的INCENTIVE PROGRAM给员工带来的影响是正面还是负面的。
* 40  roles as citizens of world
* Due to the advancements in such areas as business and technology,we now live in a better society than any previous ones.
* the key to success, is to focus on the specific task at hand and not to worry about the results.

*NO.62 ;
*108. After opening the new swimming pool early last summer. Take Heart saw a 12 percent increase in the use of the center by its members. Therefore, in order to increase membership in Take Heart, We should continue to ass new recreational facilities in subsequent years
*(10)  200 students protest fund cutting
* A record shop uses new radio ad which increases number of visitors to the shope. Also, seems due to positive result of the radio ad, the record shop owner retired recently. The owner of a clothing shop that next to the record shop also wants to use radio ad to increase sales and profit.
*NO.112 新的,好像没有落在本月的机井范围。
*Build a multilevel parking garage and drop down some old buildings.
*clothings stores less profit than the household stores during the same time, so we should expand household business。
*photo identification badges
*108. After opening the new swimming pool early last summer. Take Heart saw a 12 percent increase in the use of the center by its members. Therefore, in order to increase membership in Take Heart, We should continue to ass new recreational facilities in subsequent years
* 建gym可节约保险费用
* polar energy and coal and oil energy .....(题号回去有书才能查)
* Because the low dropout rate of using computers on three courses, therefore, spend more funds on buying computers.
* because a new swimming pool succeed,so should continue add other recreational facilities.
* moving of Cafe makes it succeed
*huttle bus and parking fee
* 6 (孙远)  Helios 的那道
* From the result of neighboring city, any changes on speed limit is dangerous
* Nova High School introduced interactive computer instruction two ago, the dropout rate declines immediately, somoe last year's graduates reported to make impressive academic achievement in college. Therefore, the school should use more fund to buy more computers, and all the schools in the district should adopt the interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum.
* 工人对管理问题不是漠不关心。(孙源8)


*9 Employee should keep their private lives and personal activities as separate as possible from the workplace.
*60,employers should have no right to obtain their employees's information about...
*all citizens should be required to 做什么公共义务

*(SUN YUAN) 55 Excelsior brand coffee
*86,Company B collapsed,so Company A will collapsed too.
*关于在冬天的ice cream 能否赚钱那道


*NO12 Education has become the main provider of individual opportunity in our society. Just as property and money once were the keys to success, education has now become the element that most ensures success in life.
*孙远书12 Education has become the main provider of individual opportunity in our society. Just as property and money once were the keys to success, education has now become the element that most ensures success in life.
*One can learn more about a society by observing how its people spend their leisure time in stead of when they are in work.
*28 学校应教给学生如何购买商品

*NO55 The Excelsior Company plans to introduce its own brand of coffee. Since coffee is an expensive food item, and since there are already many established brand of coffee, the best way to gain customers for Excelsior brand is to do what Superior, a leading coffee company, did when it introduce the newest brand in its line of coffees: conduct a temporary sales promotion that offers free sample, price reduction and discount coupons for the new brand of coffee.
*孙远书9,On average, middle-ageed consumer devote 39 perecnt of their retail expenditure to department store products and services, -----
*Citizen should vote the current mayor out of office and reselect the previous one. Becasue the unemployment rate, population rate.....
*12 在Daily Gazette上作广告


*employers have no right to access  the health information   of the  employees' without the permission

*all location companies will be in one site to cut the fee
作者: isuffering    时间: 2002-12-2 21:17

补: 12.01 AA No.1

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