train travel 14 hrs from new york to chicago, arrived chicago at 6:00 in the evening.what was the new york time when departed?(chicago time is one hr EARLIER
than new york time). 答案是早上5点。
我记得上次TONGXUN 说过 ONE HOUR EARLIER 应该是chicago 6 点的时候,new york 7点呀。 到底应该是什么???作者: tongxun 时间: 2002-11-20 22:05
chicago at 6:00 =new york 5:00
早的概念有点象早天黑的意思。或提前的意思。作者: gwxd 时间: 2002-11-20 22:59
对不起,我打错了。 你说chicago at 6:00 =new york 5:00,对吧。如果这样
那答案应该是departed new york 3:00 in the morning 呀!作者: gwxd 时间: 2002-11-20 23:05