Me: Good moring, how are you doing?
V: I'm Fine. So, you are going for MBA eduction, which school?
V: May I see your certificate?
Me: You mean deposit certificate?
V: (点头)
Me: Here you are.
V: (看存款证明10秒,搁一边)
V: How will you pay for your study?
Me: The school waived my tuition. And you see the deposit certificate, I have enough money to pay for room and board for two years.
V: How long have you been working?
Me: X years. First X years in XXX as XXX. Then the following X years in XXX as XXX
V: Where did you get your undergraduate degree?
V: Where is it?
Me: (想一想,究竟是问街道门牌号,还是城市呢?)Beijing
V: OK (撕小黄单)
Me: (激动ing...)
V: Do you have any child?
Me: No
V: Is your wife going to the states with you?
Me: Not now, but she has a plan to visit me some time next year.
V: (递小黄单), try bring your wife along with you, go have some fun in the states.
Me: Thank you. (心中真想说:下次F2面签预约你好了,我lp一定过,可惜不能指定VO)
祝大家好运。 |