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标题: OG 的语法题 [打印本页]

作者: 入夜荷花    时间: 2002-11-12 22:14     标题: OG 的语法题

og T24
The first decision for most tentants living in a builiding undergoing [U]being converted to cooperative ownership is if to sign [/U]a no-buy pledge with the other tenants.
(a)being converted to cooperative ownership is if to sign
(b)being converted to cooperative ownership is whether they should be signing
(c)being converded to cooperative ownership is whether or not they sign
(d)conversion to cooperative ownership is if to sign
(e)conversion to cooperative ownership is whether to sign
作者: tongxun    时间: 2002-11-12 22:25

1、undergoing 已经是一个进行中的动词形式,两个动词是不 能连在一起的。(除个别的单词外)
2、whether or not 在GMAT中算罗嗦的表达形式。GMAT一般用whether
作者: 入夜荷花    时间: 2002-11-13 09:57

作者: makai    时间: 2002-11-13 16:16

whether to do是gamt及其喜欢用的表达方式,多么简洁啊.
作者: investdaily    时间: 2002-11-14 05:14

Rules of GMAT by LZM suggest that options with "being" can be excluded at first glance. Is it still applicable?

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