Background: entrepreneur in Internet. biggest in one ISP field. Previous experience: a Pre-IPO company
Undergrad in China. Master degree from a top 10 US grad school. Just visited Stanford Campus last christmas.
2, male
3, female
Background: B.E. from top university in China, average G (break the legend that GSB only admits 760+ G) and GPA, high T; 5 years diversified w/e (a bit old for GSB); lots of extras and ngo experience。
4, male
My stats: 770/5, 293/6, ugpa 2.7, ggpa 3.4, 3 yrs w/e at matriculation, manufacturing industry, currently working in US, MSEE from a small US school, BSEE from Tsinghua.
Background: BE from THU (87/100), MS from Cornell (4.1/4.3), 3+ years experiences in Financial Services (U.S.), GMAT 780/5.0
[此贴子已经被admin于2007-6-19 14:03:25编辑过]
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