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标题: 选择校友面试还是电话面试? [打印本页]

作者: Magnetron    时间: 2006-1-17 12:45     标题: 选择校友面试还是电话面试?


作者: zieily    时间: 2006-1-17 13:59

My guess is adcom will weigh alumni interview more than telephone interview, but it depends on other factors like which tier school or where are you located.

作者: highgmat    时间: 2006-1-17 23:11

作者: lakegirl    时间: 2006-2-2 12:01

it's up to your favorite.
作者: sammen    时间: 2006-2-2 13:52

作者: linlin2008    时间: 2006-2-5 10:31

I prefer face-to-face. I beleive that can best perform your competence.

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