Some historians contend that conditions in the United States during the Second World War gave rise to a dynamic wartime
alliance between trade unions and the African American community, an alliance that
advanced the cause of civil rights. They conclude that the postwar demise of this vital alliance
constituted a lost opportunity for the civil rights movement that followed the war. Other scholars,
however, have portrayed organized labor as defending all along the relatively privileged position of White
workers relative to African American workers. Clearly, these two perspectives are not easily reconcilable, but the historical
reality is not reducible to one or the other. Unions faced a choice between either
maintaining the prewar status quo or promoting a more inclusive approach that sought for all members
the right to participate in the internal affairs of unions, access to skilled and high-paying positions
within the occupational hierarchy, and protection against management’s arbitrary authority in the
workplace. While union representatives often voiced this inclusive ideal, in practice unions far more often favored entrenched interests. The accelerating development of the civil rights movement following the Second World War exacerbated the unions’ dilemma, forcing trade unionists to confront contradictions in 。
their own practices.以前认为二战联盟可以促使,而战后联盟瓦解使civil right机会丧失。另外一些人认为:工会本身就是维护白人工人而不是黑人。很明显,这两个观点不容易调和。但是历史事实却是不能完全能用其中一点解释的。工会面临两个选择,一是维持战前维护白人状态,一是为大家谋求权力,所以人都参与工会活动,大家都有机会获得有skilled and high-paying的职位,保护免受管理阶层的任意的行为。虽然工会代表经常宣传所有人都一样,但是工会还是维护以前那些白人的利益。战后civil right的运动加剧工会的这种尴尬,使工会组织者在实践中对抗这种矛盾行为。
PS:上面的翻译大家凑合看吧,当时为了涂方便,没有完全斟酌原句的意思。今天考得很差,只有600分,不知怎么,就是“晕机”,根本读不走,电脑的显示让我头大,所以全是连猜带蒙的做完的,一道题都没有想过,因为没办法动脑筋了。但是这是第一篇阅读,我以前看过的,所以百分百原文。顺便感谢我的男友和猫儿子,今天确实感到很丢脸,对他们对我的支持真是无以回报。现在不知道怎么办好?因为想赶上2006的中欧申请的,现在看来很成问题,毕竟刚来到上海,一切又得从头开始。其它的机经因为我的状况不好,而且进入低分区,没有多少相识的,所以实在记不下来了,望谅!!还有上财考试的XDJM, 多穿点,因为不能穿外套进去de。
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