金融学硕士在美国名校的比例非常低已经是众所周知的事情了。其中,美国常青藤名校哥伦比亚大学的金融硕士申请一直备受中国学生青睐。不同院系下,哥大提供了三个金融学相关的硕士。包括:商学院开设的 Master of Science in Financial Economics 项目、工业工程和运筹学系下面的金融工程(MS in Financial Engineering),数学系下面的数学金融(Master in Mathematics of Finance)。那么,这三个金融相关项目差别在哪里呢?
先修课程 Master of Science in Financial Economics
Two semester of Calculus
Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory
Computer programming
Master in Mathematics of Finance
Calculus (three semesters, at least)
Linear Algebra at the level of V2010 "Linear Algebra"
Elementary Differential Equations at the level of V3027 "Ordinary Differential Equations" and Math V3028 "Partial Differential Equations"
Probability at the level of W4105 "Probability"
Statistics at the level of W4107 "Statistical Inference"
If possible, an exposure to advanced calculus and mathematical analysis at the level of W4061-4062 "Principles of Mathematical Analysis".
Applicants should also have facility with an operating system, such as Windows or LINUX, and with one of programming language such as C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, Matlab, Fortran etc.
MS in Financial Engineering
Linear Algebra
(PhD) B8207 Microeconomic Analysis I (Fall first year)
(PhD) B8208 Microeconomic Analysis II (Spring-first year)
(PhD) B9311 Introduction to Econometrics (Fall first year)
(PhD) B9311 Financial Econometrics (Spring first year)
(PhD) B9302 Finance Theory I (Spring first year)
(PhD) B9311 Asset Pricing Theory (Second year)
(PhD) B9311 Empirical Asset Pricing (Second year)
(PhD) B9311 Corporate Finance Theory (Second year)
(Masters) B9312 Thesis Seminar and MS Thesis (Spring, second year)
Required MBA Level Courses
(MBA) B6302 Capital Markets (Fall, first year)*
(MBA) B6013 Accounting I (Financial Accounting) *
(MBA) B8309 Debt markets (First year)
(MBA) B8323 Asset Management (Spring first year or Fall second year)
而金融数学的硕士项目修读的课程偏重于数学方法的学习,包括Mathematics of Finance, Modeling, Stochastic Process, Linear Regression Modeling等。金融工程的MS项目主要是将工程和计量的方法运用到金融上。必修课程包括:Stochastic Models for Financial Engineering, Statistical Tools for Financial Engineering,Optimization Models and Methods for Financial Engineering,Data Analysis for Financial Engineering等。除了必修课程外,学生还可根据自己的兴趣选择不同的方向:Finance & Economics, Derivatives, Asset Management, Computational Finance/Trading Systems。