每节课的总结部分是最精彩的,有些明星教授可以每次用一首诗歌,或者一段quote来总结一个商业案例。而很多现代的案例,教授会把案例中的主人公(protagonist)请到现场,讲他/她当时是怎么想的,为什么做那个决定,以及做完决定后发生了什么。再次感叹下学校人脉之牛,我记得在课堂里见过的包括法国著名酒庄的继承人(营销课),某欧洲大药厂的chairman(财务课),王石(doing business in China),好像某节体育营销课还把足球明星找来了(我没选,但全校男生那天都在聊这个)。
4. 创业或其他。哈佛不算创业氛围最好的商学院,但每年总还是有不少在学校创业的学生(当年易趣的邵易波谭海音就是哈佛商学院毕业的,这两年美国也有些初创公司比如rent the runway是HBS毕业生创的,去参与初创企业的人更是不少)。学校提供了非常好的环境,从创业指导教授(往往自己都是成功的创业者),到创业比赛(获奖学生可以拿一笔钱,以及一些法律,会计类的服务),以及跨校修去和MIT的Geek们联谊,各种资源都等着你 去发觉。
对于MBA教育,一直以来有一个根本上的问题:是MBA教育让他们这么成功,还是成功的他们为MBA教育附上了光彩? 针对HBS和MIT斯隆商学院的情况,我认为这两部分的回答都有部分是正确的。
先说MBA教育让他们成功的原因。大多数人上MBA,是想对自己的事业或者职业规划有改变或者说的单纯点就是转行。HBS的课程就可以满足你的条件。举一个例子,HBS有一门课程教的是doing business in contemporary China,教的是如何在当前的中国做生意。教授是哈佛的中国问题专家,每年都要去国内好多次,而且不是去学校转转那么简单,而是很深入的去企业去民间去看,所以他的课程很有深度。这样的,利于开拓新兴市场的课程有很多,加上又是案例教学,学生学到的是实打实的实战知识,所以非常有益。
此外,HBS奢华的学习环境(就是这个用词,每次被学院里处处都是的世界名画震撼到我都是想到它)和舒适的人文氛围,斯隆拥有的MIT强悍的技术背景和创业前景,都是来这边读MBA的额外收获。作者: stream 时间: 2018-5-20 14:58
“The way to get into HBS is to understand that the application process is like getting funding from a VC. If you think about it, HBS is "making an investment in you" and your application is "the business plan".
Following this logic everything starts to fall into place.
In order to get "an investment" you need to convince the investor you can generate a return on the investment, that means - you have a great vision and a plan of how you would get there (get there = make an impact in the world that would carry the HBS name with it) and you have the background, skills and experience to get there, which is exactly what's required in the application.
As "an investor", HBS is looking to diversify its "portfolio", thus the more "unique" your background is, the better. HBS doesn't want to "invest" in bankers/consultants/other only.
Lastly, to be a bit cynical, it's not really an analogy, it's actually the real deal...if you "make it" after HBS, they will get to see your donation and a building in your name ;), that's the return on their "investment".
More seriously, any positive contribution you will make in the world will carry the HBS brand.
So, HBS got to "invest" in you, you got the HBS brand in your resume, you were successful, the HBS brand gets reinforced (that's the return on "their investment").
If you understand this you will write a better application.作者: tanning 时间: 2018-5-20 18:34
hope to share my own harvard experience someday!作者: lonelily 时间: 2018-5-22 19:24
good article!作者: aside 时间: 2018-5-24 17:08
Mark Mark Mark作者: stream 时间: 2018-5-26 22:32
hope to share my own harvard experience someday!
tanning 发表于 2018-5-20 18:34
Hope your dream comes true!作者: 故事 时间: 2018-5-31 15:39
Mark......作者: Kristy 时间: 2018-6-6 11:00
作者: Fasrt 时间: 2018-6-7 11:19
Mark Mark作者: marinate 时间: 2018-6-12 10:58
Mark Mark Mark作者: Wonce 时间: 2018-6-13 14:30
Mark Mark作者: runner18 时间: 2018-6-19 21:34
谢谢分享作者: Eartg 时间: 2018-6-21 13:51
Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ作者: Amiga 时间: 2018-6-26 14:15
Mark Mark作者: Fatish 时间: 2018-6-29 16:05
thanks.....作者: daden 时间: 2018-7-2 10:20
顶顶(个_个)作者: tanglu18 时间: 2018-7-2 17:42
向往ing...作者: Kanga 时间: 2018-7-4 17:01
thanks......作者: sofa 时间: 2018-7-5 12:43
thanks.......作者: Moncome 时间: 2018-7-6 10:13
thanks.....作者: no.1 时间: 2018-7-11 13:54
感谢分享作者: no.1 时间: 2018-7-12 14:01
在哈佛商学院就读 MBA 是什么样的体验,很感谢您的分享作者: zishui_us 时间: 2018-7-15 11:31