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标题: [推介]欧洲MBA名校—鹿特丹管理学院(RSM) [打印本页]

作者: RSMAN    时间: 2005-11-28 16:33     标题: [推介]欧洲MBA名校—鹿特丹管理学院(RSM)

鹿特丹,是荷兰最大的工业城市,以世界第一大港而闻名于世。作为重要的海陆空交通枢纽,鹿特丹被冠以“欧洲之门”的美称。她具有优越的地理环境和完善的公共设施,联系起很多欧洲的大城市。许多大公司以及各个国家的贸易中心也在这里设立了分支机构。鹿特丹Erasmus大学(Erasmus University Rotterdam)成立于1913年,是一所世界闻名的以应用实践为教学导向的综合性大学。学校成立以来,已培养出150万名各国毕业生,其中许多人成为了企业高层管理者和国家高级公务员。

鹿特丹管理学院(RSM)是其下属的7大学院之一,是荷兰高等教育的一个骄傲。在由英国《金融时报》评选出的世界100所最著名商学院中,RSM多年稳居全球Top 30,欧洲Top 5。RSM也是中国优秀学生海外留学向往之地,据荷兰高等教育国际交流协会北京办公室首席代表罗伯特(Robert van Kan)介绍,在过去的15年中,已经有六七十名中国留学生在RSM完成了MBA课程,他们通过自身努力成为中国、荷兰、美国等国的商界精英,目前他们中的50余人已回到中国创业。




General Management
Human Resource Management
Management Information Systems


地址:Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus Graduate School of Business
PO Box 1738 3000 DR Rotterdam The Netherlands

Fully completed Application Form
Essays (three mandatory and one optional)
Two letters of recommendation
Official transcript and diplomas from University
GMAT score report
Non-refundable application fee of

作者: RSMAN    时间: 2005-11-28 18:42


近日,由荷兰鹿特丹管理学院(RSM)专为中国学生设立的RSM NESO Beijing MBA 2004奖学金授予仪式在京举行。这是荷兰顶级商学院首次向中国赴荷留学学生颁发高额奖学金。奖学金价值34000欧元,获奖者将于今年9月赴RSM攻读为期15个月的国际MBA课程。来自北京的陈冰成为最终获奖者。







  评审团由来自RSM、荷兰商界、荷兰驻华大使馆和NESO Beijing的专家组成。在最后的投票评选中,四位评审中有三位都将陈冰排在了第一名。评审团的评价是:“能够很好地理解这个具有难度的题目,分析深入,有个人见解,演讲具有很强的逻辑性,表现出良好的分析问题、解决问题的能力,英文流畅,有良好的教育背景和工作经验。”


作者: RSMAN    时间: 2005-11-28 18:54











作者: RSMAN    时间: 2005-11-28 19:01


我很高興自己選擇鹿特丹管理學院 (RSM)就讀MBA學位. 當自己回憶這一年來所學, 我很肯定自己在專業知識及個人能力成長許多.
我將以下列不同的項目來敘述於RSM MBA課程之所學:

在第一學期,課程都是基礎及入門程度. 我必須要修管理會計,經濟學,管理科學,組織行為學以及統計學. 這些課程訓練我了解動態商場的基本能力. 我可以用總經及個經的角度分析公司及商業活動.
在第二學期,課程偏重於策略及管理. 我必須要修財務管理,資訊管理,行銷學,人力資源以及策略管理. 這些課程訓練我以不同構面管理及經營公司. 擁有廣博知識之經理可以更全面性地控制企業.

因為MBA課程是以模擬商業環境為主, 學生们面臨很緊縮的時程表並且被要求於短時間內完成許多項目. 我面臨的壓力來自於課業,團體作業,個人作業及尋求工作. 我必須要做好時間管理以及妥善處理突發狀況以克服這些挑戰. 我學會如何排優先順序及擬定策略以最少資源達成目標.

在我們的課程,總共有114學生,他們來自40個不同國家. 這樣多元化的國際環境提供給所有參與此課程的學生们可以有了解以及珍惜來自其他國家不同文化體驗的機會. 在整個學習的過程中,學生會,社團,學校或學生本身都會舉辦許多活動以增加彼此間的互動關係並且增進同學之間的情誼. 例如,我們每年都會舉辦美食節. 各國學生必須準備以及烹煮他們本國當地的傳統美食. 每個國家都有擺設攤位. 學生们可以對食客们解釋食物的製造過程以及是否有任何特別含義. 我們可以品嚐來自39個不同國家的美食. 以臺灣為例, 我們準備了滷肉飯,滷味,豆干,蘿蔔絲餅以及蔥爆牛肉. 所有品嚐過的外國同學们都讚不絕口並且要求再來一碗. 這樣的美食節活動讓我可以一飽口福並且對各國食物更加認識.
還有另一個文化體驗活動舉辦在農曆過年期. 臺灣以及大陸的同學共同規劃以及籌辦慶祝農曆新年的慶祝晚會, 我們並邀請其他同學一同參加. 在晚會中,我們準備了許多節目以及舞蹈,例如: 舞龍舞獅, 扇子舞以及寫毛筆字比賽. 還有很美味的料理以代替團圓年飯. 這樣的活動給西方同學一個認識中華文化的好機會並且使他們對東方文化更有興趣. 除此之外, 每天的日常接觸也讓我有機會可以學習如何與外國同學成為好朋友. 經由與來自不同專業背景以及文化的同學間的討論以及課堂上的互動,讓我的知識以及眼界更加擴大.

我當初選擇荷蘭就讀的原因之一就是它的地點. 荷蘭位於通往歐洲大陸的要點位置, 在境內,有許多便利以及便宜的交通工具可以讓它的旅客到達其他歐洲的任何國家. 我就充分運用這樣的地理優勢,於假期間,出遊至其他國家. 出遊的事先準備工作就是要研讀當地的歷史文化事件以及規劃路線和住宿. 除了由網路以及旅遊指南蒐集資料外,我會請教我的同學. 唯有當地人最清楚必定參觀之地以及必定享用之美食. 同學们總是可以給最實用以及最寶貴的旅遊資訊. 例如,拿坡里之行, 我的義大利同學就警告我當地治安不佳, 有許多路邊攤販販售非真品, 並且小偷扒手猖獗. 要小心自行隨身貴重物品. 除此之外,一定不能錯過的就是當地美食. 我就請我的義大利同學告訴我當地傳統比薩老店. 因此,拿坡里之行, 充滿了美味的比薩,海鮮義大利麵以及冰淇淋之甜蜜回憶

在現今的國際世界村,擁有多樣語言能力是很重要的. 荷蘭人除了可以說流利的英文之外,他們還具備其他多國語言能力. 因為荷蘭是個小國家, 荷蘭人懂得要利用自己的語言能力以及優越的地理位置以增加國家競爭力. 他們擅長於國際貿易以及與外國人做生意. 他們運用優秀的語言能力以及國際觀來發展建設國家經濟以及拓展貿易範圍. 當內需經濟無法撐起國家發展大計,荷蘭懂得要放眼全世界,運用全球資源並且鼓勵外來投資. 荷蘭政府給予外商許多租稅減免及優惠方案, 乃為了吸引外國人於荷蘭當地投資以及進而增加荷蘭的經濟實力. 也因為這樣的心態與政府政策, 使得荷蘭可以吸引許多外商投資,並且於當地設立歐洲總部. 同樣地,臺灣也是一個小國並且位居亞洲要地,臺灣人要懂得跟荷蘭人學習如何增加經濟影響力以及利用此經濟實力於國際間佔得一席之位. 當國家競爭力增加,自然能夠增加國際知名度以及參與國際活動且獲得國際肯定.

總結, 我非常珍惜這個學習過程及極力推薦臺灣人應該出外留學以獲取更多國際經驗. 如此的學習經驗可以培養個人具備競爭優勢及成為稱職的經理人, 並且進而對台灣這塊土地有所建設及貢獻.

I am very glad of my choice with Rotterdam School of Management (RSM). While reviewing what I have learnt for the past one year, I am definitely confident that I made great progress personally and professionally. To illustrate more what I obtained from the MBA program at RSM, I would like to describe the lessons learnt in the following categories:

Professional knowledge
In the first semester, the courses were mainly fundamental and introductory. I needed to take managerial accounting, economy, management science, organizational behavior and statistics. These courses provided me with basic skills and understanding about the dynamic business environment. I could analyze companies and business activities from macroeconomic and microeconomic points of view.
In the second semester, the courses were more strategic and managerial-related. I took managerial course in finance, IT, marketing, operations, human resource and strategy. I learnt how to run and manage companies in various fields. A manager with broad knowledge could control the business from more comprehensive strategic perspectives.

Time and pressure management skills
Since this MBA environment is designed to simulate the real business world, students have very tight schedules for every task and are required to accomplish multiple tasks in a short time. I encountered many pressures from courses, group assignments, personal assignments and internship searching. To overcome all these challenges, I needed to manage my time very well and knew how to handle unexpected accidents. I learnt how to prioritize jobs and establish strategies to achieve goals in a least resource-consuming way.

Cross-cultural experience
In this program, there are 114 students from 40 different countries. Such diverse environment provides its participants with many opportunities to understand and treasure other cultures. There were lots of social activities held by students or the school in order to enhance the relationship and to better the atmosphere among classmates. For example, students needed to cook and prepared their traditional foods and drinks in the food festival. They could explain how the food was made and introduced any special meanings of the food. In this festival, we could taste delicious foods from other 39 countries. Chinese New Year Party was another example of cultural events. Taiwanese and Chinese students needed to arrange a party to celebrate Chinese New Year and invited other classmates to join this party. There were lots of shows and dances arranged and performed by Taiwanese and Chinese students. This activity motivated western people to learn more about Chinese culture. In addition to these cultural events, daily interaction with other classmates gave me good chances to know how to make friends with foreigners. My views were broadened through discussions with other classmates from different professional backgrounds and different countries.

Traveling experience
One of the major reasons why I chose the Netherlands was of its good location. Situated in the gateway to the continent Europe, the Netherlands provides passengers with various transportations to travel to other European countries. Making good use of this location, I traveled to different cities during vacations. I always made traveling plans and read the history and the culture of my destinations in advance. In addition to searching for information through books and the internet, I would ask my fellow classmates coming from the destinations. Only local people know must-visit places and must-have foods in their own places. I always got very practical and valuable information by asking my classmates.

Importance of languages
It is very important to possess multiple language skills. Dutch people can speak English very well, and they can speak many other foreign languages. Since the Netherlands is a small country, Dutch people make advantage of the location and their language talents. They are good at international trades and business. They develop their economy and explore other countries by multiple language skills and international points of view. As Taiwan is also a small island and in a good location, Taiwanese need to learn how Dutch people strengthen their economic influence and take a position in the global world.

To conclude, I treasure this learning experience very much and highly recommend Taiwanese students to go abroad to explore more the business world and to gain more international experience. Such valuable learning helps to prepare one to gain competitive advantages and to be a competent manager. In addition, we could contribute what we learn to Taiwan and help it to gain more competitive advantages.


作者: e_xun    时间: 2005-11-29 09:09

作者: bigmanager    时间: 2005-11-29 12:03

以下是引用e_xun在2005-11-29 9:09:00的发言:

once you find a job in overseas, you salary can reach such a level.

but you come back to our country, it may be a little different.

作者: lonelybear    时间: 2005-11-30 14:23


作者: RSMAN    时间: 2005-12-1 01:41

Welcome to RSM!
作者: bennyl    时间: 2005-12-1 14:23

a wonderful place to study!
作者: 虚无飘渺    时间: 2005-12-2 11:08

longing for....
作者: zixiawest    时间: 2005-12-3 09:25

could you help recommending?
作者: RSMAN    时间: 2005-12-4 10:34

以下是引用zixiawest在2005-12-3 9:25:00的发言:
could you help recommending?

sure, welcome!
作者: whitecloud    时间: 2005-12-7 12:35

juck checked the school's website and found it a perfect place to study MBA. i am considering it this time.

hope to get more information from rsman. thanks.

作者: RSMAN    时间: 2005-12-8 12:43

以下是引用whitecloud在2005-12-7 12:35:00的发言:

juck checked the school's website and found it a perfect place to study MBA. i am considering it this time.

hope to get more information from rsman. thanks.

your feeling is right.

welcome to RSM!
作者: RSMAN    时间: 2006-1-10 12:47

以下是引用lonelybear在2005-11-30 14:23:00的发言:


作者: sweetcorns    时间: 2008-6-22 21:12


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