INSEAD MBA Program Recommendation Questions 2015-2016
INSEAD asks recommenders to provide their responses within a PDF that is emailed through the online application, which recommenders then upload through the online portal.
The recommendation begins with several background questions:
Have you attended an INSEAD Programme? if yes, please specify which one?
Please, specify your relationship to candidate: (select Professional, Educational, or Personal)
How long have you known the candidate? Define your relationship with the candidate and the circumstances whereby you met.
Click on the image to the right to view the grid on which INSEAD asks recommenders to rate the applicant’s competence, professionalism, and various other abilities and skills.
Recommenders are then asked to respond to the following short-answer questions within the PDF document. Our initial testing suggests that this space accommodates about 1,500 characters including spaces, though this may vary depending on the software being used.
These INSEAD MBA recommendation questions are:
1. Comment on the candidate’s career progress to date and his/her career focus.
2. What do you consider to be the candidate’s major strengths? Comment on the factors that distinguish the candidate from other individuals at his/her level.
3. What do you consider to be the candidate’s major weaknesses?
4. Comment on the candidate’s potential for senior management. Do you see him/her as a future leader?
5. Describe the candidate as a person. Comment on his/her ability to establish and maintain relationships, sensitivity to others, self-confidence, attitude, etc. Specifically comment on the candidate’s behaviour or skills in a group setting/team environment.作者: myice 时间: 2015-11-10 22:27
LBS MBA Recommendation Questions 2015-2016
After providing their basic contact information, recommenders are asked to respond to a series of brief essay questions about the applicant’s strengths, areas for growth, progress in the workplace, and goals for the future. Recommenders are asked to address each of the below questions in no more than 500 words. The adcom also notes that this is not a requirement, i.e. that briefer remarks are acceptable in response to each item.
1.How do you know the applicant? How long have you known them for?
2. What would you say are the applicant’s key strengths and talents?
3. What would you say are the applicant’s key weaknesses or areas for improvement?
4. In which areas of development has the applicant progressed most in the time you’ve known them?
5. What do you think this person might be doing in ten years’ time? Why?
Recommenders are then asked to complete a Ratings section, in which they complete a quantitative assessment of the applicant on a series of skills related to intellectual ability, interpersonal skills, as well as management and leadership potential. The LBS adcom asks recommenders to use the following “system” in completing their ratings: 1=High 3=Average 5=Low. Recommenders are also able to select “Not observed” for any of the below items:
Intellectual or academic ability
Quantitative skills
Initiative / Ability to take decisions
Problem-solving skills
Organisational skills
Leadership skills
Team skills
Impact / Charisma
Self confidence
Self motivation
Spoken English communication skills
Written English communication skills
Finally, recommenders are asked to summarize the strength of their recommendations on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 corresponding to Highly Recommended and 5 to Not Recommended.作者: myice 时间: 2015-11-10 22:28
Oxford Saïd Recommendation Questions 2015-2016
The recommendation form begins with the recommendation’s contact information and an inquiry about Oxford alumni status:
University of Oxford alumnus/alumna (yes or no)
If yes: Programme attended (text field)
If yes: Year attended (text field)
Recommenders are then asked to rate the applicant’s English language proficiency. The options for each of the below items are: Fluent, Very Good, Good, Basic, Weak
Ability to Speak English
Ability to Read English
Ability to Write English
Finally, recommenders are asked to provide a recommendation. Recommenders can upload a document or enter their comments into a text box with a 5,000 character limit (including spaces). The instructions for this section are as follows:
Please use the box below to provide any comments you consider will be helpful to the Admissions Committee when reviewing the candidate’s application. We would like to know how long you have known the candidate for and in what capacity. We would also like to hear about the candidate’s academic and professional background, as well as the strengths/weaknesses of the candidate, how he/she would benefit from the programme, what he/she would bring to the class and his/her soft skills and potential.作者: myice 时间: 2015-11-10 22:34
IMD MBA Recommendation Questions 2015-2016作者: myice 时间: 2015-11-10 22:34
HEC Paris Recommendation Questions for 2014-2015
1. How long and in what capacity have you known the candidate?
2. If this is a work related reference, in what position is/was the candidate employed and for how long?
3. Please evaluate the candidate in terms of the qualities below: Grading: Outstanding (Top 5%), Excellent (Top 15%), Very Good (Top 25%), Good (Top 40%), Average, Below Average, Unobserved
- Intellectual or academic ability
- Competence in current position
- Oral communication skills
- Written communication skills
- Analytical skills
- Leadership skills
- Teamwork skills
- Initiative / problem solving skills
- Creativity / Innovative
4. Candidate's first language? English, Not English
5. If the candidate's first language is not English, please comment on his/her level of competence: Grading Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Unobserved
Written, Spoken, Listening/Comprehension, Reading
6. What do you consider to be the candidate's principal strengths / talents?
7. What do you consider to be the candidate's weaknesses or areas that need improvement?作者: headwind 时间: 2015-12-7 12:46
真的是太棒了作者: chasetee 时间: 2015-12-8 12:14
~\(≧▽≦)/~赞作者: stiny 时间: 2015-12-10 10:40
谢谢分享..........作者: no.1 时间: 2016-7-12 14:55
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