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标题: [转帖]11/4,上财,一点jj及其他 [打印本页]

作者: smart    时间: 2005-11-5 02:27     标题: [转帖]11/4,上财,一点jj及其他

废话少说,JJ 先:

[AA] No. 139

During a two-week study of postal operations, the LACENAME w:st="on">PrestoLACENAME> LACETYPE w:st="on">CityLACETYPE> post office handled about twice as many items as the LACE w:st="on">LACENAME w:st="on">LentoLACENAME> LACETYPE w:st="on">CityLACETYPE>LACE> post office, even though the cities are about the same size. Moreover, customer satisfaction appears to be higher in Presto City, since the study found fewer complaints regarding the Presto City post office. Therefore, the postmasters at these two offices should exchange assignments: the Presto City postmaster will solve the problems of inefficiency and customer dissatisfaction at the Lento City office while the Lento City postmaster learns firsthand the superior methods of Presto City.

[AI] No. 29

Too many people think only about getting results. The key to success, however, is to focus on the specific task at hand and not to worry about results.


1. (No.1) In a recent survey in A, 42% of the respondents indicated that they wished to move to the suburbs of the city, 23% of respondents said they wanted to move to other parts of the city while 35% of the respondents said they would like to remain where they were. By how much percentage is the number of respondents who wanted to move to suburbs over the number of those who wanted to remain where they were?

Ans: 20%

Solution: (42%-35%)/35%=20%

2. (No.2) v=w/(w-x), if w/x=3, what’s v?

Ans: 3/2

3. (No.3) Two squares: x and y. The four vertices of y are the middle points of x’s four sides. If perimeter of x is p, what’s p?

(I) the perimeter of y is 4*(square root of 2)

(II) the diagonal of y is 2

Ans: D

4. (No. 10+) Somebody tries to arrange five different books in a row with these books next to each other, how many ways of arrangement are there? {There is a picture of five books in a row}

Ans: 120

Solution: P(5,5)

5. (No. 10+) When flipping coin, the possibility for it to have its head facing up is ½. If a coin is flipped five times, what’s the possibility to have the head up for the first three times and not for the rest?

Ans: 1/32

Solution: 1*(1/2)^5

6. (No. 5-10) 图表题:(因无法贴图,用语言描述)五条直线从上到下依次p, q, r, s, t (看上去似乎平行)。两条平行直线l1 与l2分别与五条直线两两相交,形成两个角x(由l1与s形成)和y(由l2与p形成),两个角看似同位角,x=y? {上月JJ}

(I) p||r and r||t

(II) q||s

Ans: E

7. (No. 20+) if r, s, and t are positive integers, is r+s+t even? {上月JJ}

(I) r+s is even

(II) s+t is even

Ans: E

8. (No. 30+) If a number is 0.75 of a percent, how to represent the number in faction?

Ans: 3/400

Comment: ft,做到这里还是这种题,弄得我心慌慌

9. (No. 36) In a data series that appears one number after another, each number is the product of four and the square of the previous number. If the first number in the series is t, what’s the third number that comes up after the appearance of t? {这里的横线是题目中本来就有的}

Ans: 4^7*n^8

[SC] 这次觉得SC满夸张地,除了开始3-5道,后面从10几题一直到20几题,一道比一道长,至少有2-3道全屏和4-54/5屏。到了30道以后,渐渐又短了些。

1. (No.1) Terraces, holding back the soil as it washes down the hill, prevents the erosion and thus makes the otherwise uncultivable land productive.

A. Terraces, holding back the soil as it washes down the hill, prevents the erosion and thus makes the otherwise uncultivable land productive.

B. Soil is held back by terraces as it washes down the hill, thus erosion is prevented and makes the otherwise uncultivable land productive.

C. Erosion is prevented by terraces, holding back the soil as it washes down the hill, make the uncultivable land productive.

D. By holding back the soil as it washes down the hill, terraces prevent the erosion and thus make the otherwise uncultivable land productive.

E. {Forgotten}

Ans: D

2. (No.5-10) 原文两个从句,主谓成分齐全,划线部分是连接两句的一个词,原文是(except in).

选项有excepting, but excepting for, but except in, in exception of.

我选but except in

3. 其他太长实在记不下来

[CR] CR更是离谱,整个做下来,大概只有三、四道不是全屏

1. (No.3-5) 一辆车的环保指标可以通过mpg (miles per gallon) 来体现。某市为了环保,制定了一个规定,凡是一个汽车制造商生产的汽车的平均mpg小于20的,将会被罚款。显然,某厂商P是这个规定的受害者,尽管他去年销售仅占该市汽车销售的4%, 却占了75%的罚款。问conclusion.

我选的是C. 该市去年除了P外,还有另外至少一家厂商生产的汽车的平均mpg小于20。

2. (No. 5-10) 婴儿死亡率是一个医院接生素质的一个有效的指标。在某地的某医院,尽管其医疗设备和医生质量均好于本地其他医院,但是该院婴儿死亡率却一直比该地其他医院高{似乎在哪里看到过,不知道是不是GWD}

我选B 早产(premature birth)是导致婴儿死亡的重要原因,而因为该医院的名气,一旦产妇发现她们可能有早产的危险时,往往会选择该医院接生。

(No. 40) 科学家长期以来怀疑seabirds是靠嗅觉寻找他们的食物—crustacean的。为了证明他们的猜测,实验中他们在海水里放入加了一种叫DMS的化学物质的slick(油膜), 海洋中有一种plankton也分泌这种物质,而这种plankton是一种krill的食物,而krill又是一种叫storm xxx(忘记了拼写)的鸟的食物。实验中他们发现这种storm xxx降落在含有DMS的slick上远比降落在不含DMS的slick上的次数多。问加强。

我选了A. This kind of plankton is the only food source of krill

其他答案有:B. krill除了这种plankton外,还以其他的microorganism为食。

C. 这种slick与这种plankton相比视觉上差异很大

D. 实验中发现,那些降落在含DMS的slick上的storm xxx,与降落在不含DMS的slick上的storm xxx相比,前者都是在顺风的情况下降落的

E. 实验中发现当旁边有别的storm xxx飞过的时候,storm xxx更有可能降落到这种slick上


[RC] 前两片不长,都是40行左右,第三篇65行,第四篇也是40行。因为太长的SCCR所以记不清楚了。等看到后面的jj想起来再说吧。

[分数] Q 51/V 47/780

[考试历程] 去年就上了XDF的暑假班,但是当时因为正好在前一份工作辞职过程中,也就上了大概一半的课,然后因为新工作的缘故把G放下了。今年夏天有好几个朋友出去,才猛然发觉差不多是时候开始准备Gmat了。7月底上网发现明年换tester,所以决定干脆今年考掉,没看书做了第一套Powerprep的模考,有770分,虽然知道题目比考试题目简单很多,但是相对比较有底,于是报了11月初的考试。

整个复习的过程从8月份开始,主要是part-time,花了两个星期做完OG的SC部分,觉得还可以,就有点掉以轻心,心想还不如报早一点的名。但随后的大全给我的打击很大,错误率极度上升,一度让我开始怀疑是不是该推迟考试。经过几个section之后,正确率又回复到原来的水平,稍微松了一口气。然后9月份因为培训加度假几乎一整个月没有动Gmat,回国后决定开始封闭式训练。十月份的前三个礼拜全职复习,将大全和OG 的CR以及RC做完。10月8号开始一天一套携隐(就是一位将GWD和天山合并去掉重题的大侠整理出来的13套)的V,一套GWD的Q还有两篇AWA模考。本来准备一直到考试结束。但是月底被公司调派出差,复习又变成part time。结果因为项目紧,原本准备考前一个礼拜请假只被批了3天。





3、机考的CR比OG长了不止一点,除了GWD和天山外,比较好的复习资料是LSAT。(当年考GRE的时候就用来准备Games和Logical Reasoning过)






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