Tuck: 2nd-year, Skype, blind + language interview with Susan
画外音:过年晕了头, 记错时间面试no show... 心塞。没想到竟然有second chance, T T... Tuck真的好温暖,好感动..... 而且面试官颜值破表,当场就hold不住了....
工作内容具体是什么? some follow-ups.
二、关于CG/MBA: ST/LT? why? how they are related to your current job?
Why MBA? Why Tuck? What perspectives can you bring to Tuck? What clubs, profs, courses are you interested in?
三、Behavior Qs: Failure story? Characteristics of a good team?
Darden: AO, Skype, 纯blind (AO连简历都没有)
画外音:如果我说我又no show了,大家相信么... 是的,我又no show了... TTTTT.... AO Nice得一塌糊涂,第二天再面.... 怎么都这么Nice!!! AO声音超好听,当场就hold不住了....
三、Why MBA? since your career develops quite well, why not stay at your company? LT/ST goals? Why, why why? Have you talked with people in your future industry? Why do you think you can make it? Why why why... Why not directly to your future industry? Why Ross? How to contribute?
四、Behavior: Failure story? Leadership style? and your gap to a good leader? Team experience?
二、问enterpreneurial spirit?difference between large firms & start-ups? (LT goal写的创业) why ST goal? specific firms? how much do you know these firms? Lots of follow-ups
三、Why LBS? How to choose between HSW and LBS? any concerns about LBS?
四、Details in essays, like some clubs and competitions I mentioned. Lots of exchange of ideas.
五、International experience? how to deal with culture conflict?