机票:伊萨卡主要用的机场是Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport在伊萨卡北部地区,这里没有大飞机,都是小飞机,螺旋桨的那种,国内没有直飞的航班,可以在纽约、费城等转机过来,大家可以从网上查查机票,我个人建议买机票的时候用英文网站使用USD直接支付,会比用RMB支付便宜很多,即使你算上汇率的波动。
车:美国这个地方,除了纽约等大城市公交系统发达,其他地方没车是寸步难行,大家如果做很多学校访问的话可以下飞机就租车,一路开,就是很累,不过时间会很自由,也方便很多,如果东海岸和西海岸都访问还是飞机吧,太远,我去年来这边然后开车从伊萨卡到芝加哥,用了2天…芝加哥还是属于美国中部…所以大家根据自己行程考虑下。机场的交通信息大家可以在这里查看 http://flyithaca.com/content/view/ground-transportation.html 貌似机场没有租车的地方,所以如果直接飞过来的话,要打车了,或者大家可以联系我。康奈尔大学距离机场较近,伊萨卡大学距离较远。
Alumni House--Thurston Avenue, North Campus
22 spaces (plus 1 accessible).
$1.50 per hour ($.75 minimum for first half hour).
Accepts quarters, dollar coins, and credit/debit cards.
After a minimum of 75 cents has been inserted, you may use any combination of quarters and dollar coins to purchase more time.
Maximum $14.25.
Cornell Plantations Nevin Welcome Center
42 spaces
$1.50 per hour ($.75 minimum).
Accepts quarters, dollar coins, dollar bills and credit/debit cards.
3 hour maximum ($4.50).
Parking Garage--Hoy Road, Central Campus
36 spaces (plus 1 accessible).
$1.50 per hour ($.75 minimum for first half hour).
Accepts quarters, dollar coins, and credit/debit cards.
After a minimum of 75 cents has been inserted, you may use any combination of quarters and dollar coins to purchase more time.
Maximum $14.25.
Peterson Lot--Corner of Judd Falls and Tower Roads, Near Dairy Bar
107 spaces (plus 2 accessible).
$1.50 per hour ($.75 minimum for first half hour).
Accepts quarters, dollar coins, dollar bills and credit/debit cards.
After a minimum of 75 cents has been inserted, you may use any combination of quarters, dollar coins, and dollar bills to purchase more time.
Maximum $14.25.
Bartels Hall/Friedman Wrestling Center--Campus Road, Central Campus
80 spaces (plus 2 accessible).
$1.50 per hour ($.75 minimum for first half hour).
Accepts quarters, dollar coins, dollar bills and credit/debit cards.
After a minimum of 75 cents has been inserted, you may use any combination of quarters, dollar coins, and dollar bills to purchase more time.
Maximum $14.25.
Willard Straight Hall/Gannett Health--Campus Road, Central Campus
46 spaces (plus 1 accessible).
$1.50 per hour ($.75 minimum for first 30 minutes).
Accepts quarters, dollar coins, and credit/debit cards.
After a minimum of 75 cents has been inserted, you may use any combination of quarters and dollar coins to purchase more time.
2 hour maximum ($3).
B Lot--Tower Road at Route 366, Vet College
20 spaces (plus 1 accessible).
$.75 per hour.
Accepts quarters, dollar coins, and credit/debit cards.
After a minimum of 75 cents has been inserted, you may use any combination of quarters and dollar coins to purchase more time.
Maximum $14.25.
Appel Commons Lot--Pleasant Grove Road and Cradit Farm Drive, North Campus
35 spaces.
$1.00 per hour ($.75 minimum for first half hour).
Accepts quarters, dollar coins, and credit/debit cards.
After a minimum of 75 cents has been inserted, you may use any combination of quarters and dollar coins to purchase more time.
Maximum $8.00.
Traditional Meters (one meter head per space)
Meters accept quarters and dollar coins
No pennies please
$1.50 per hour
There is no "grace" period after a meter expires. Enforcement personnel have no way of knowing how long ago a meter expired.
Helen Newman Hall--Cradit Farm Drive, North Campus
7 spaces (plus 4 accessible)
2 hour limit
Johnson Art Museum (JAM)--University Avenue, Central Campus
13 spaces
Quarters and dollar coins accepted
2 hour limit
Museum guests only Tuesday - Sunday; Please sign in at reception desk.
Robert Purcell Community Center--Jessup Road, North Campus
14 spaces (plus 1 accessible)
2 hour limit
Schoellkopf Hall--Campus Road, Central Campus, limited to physical therapy patients
2 spaces for Physical Therapy patients only; Must sign in.
2 hour limit
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