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标题: [求助]大全-B-15 [打印本页]

作者: casualwark11    时间: 2005-10-30 06:49     标题: [求助]大全-B-15

In the effort to fire a Civil Service employee, his or her manager may have to spend up to $100,000 of tax money. Since Civil Service employees know how hard it is to fire them, they tend to loaf. This explains in large part why the government is so inefficient.

It can be properly inferred on the basis of the statements above that the author believes which of the following?

I. Too much job security can have a negative influence on workers.

II. More government workers should be fired.

III. Most government workers are Civil Service employees.

(A) I only

(B) I and III only

(C) II only

(D) I, II, and IIIA

(E) III only

我的答案是B 思路是

1. Civil Service employees tend to loaf.

2.Most government workers are Civil Service employees.

This explains in large part why the government is so inefficient.

不知是哪里出了岔子 請給我指正 3Q ^^

作者: saibei008    时间: 2005-10-30 18:53

I think the problem is with the word "most". Most means almost all. Is it required that almost all the government workers are Civil Service employees for the argument to be true? Does 30%, 50% or 65% enough to make it true that the government efficiency suffers because that percentage of workers are loafing? I think so.

If we change III a bit: At least one government worker is Civil Service employee. Then it is right.

When we see words such as most, all, majority, few and other words of magnitude and level, pay attention. Whether it is necessary to use such word?

作者: sportman    时间: 2005-10-31 07:19

III是不对的。因为从原文推不出来主要是CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEE。因为,如果CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEE只占少数,但是她们对GOVERMENT的作用确举足轻重的话,一样会严重影响GOVERMENT的工作效率。

作者: casualwark11    时间: 2005-10-31 21:21

thanx for all

一字之差果真影响甚钜 ! 我会在好好琢磨琢磨滴

作者: observer    时间: 2005-11-1 07:19

我認真重新思索了"most"的問題, 還是覺得III是可以被inferred的啊....

假如說整個政府的inefficiency是因為少數人造成的, 那麼那些大多數efficient的政府官員們平常都在做什麼? 我也想過, 依照80/20法則, 80%的inefficiency是由20%的loafing employee造成的, 那麼同樣的法則, 為什麼20%的efficient employees不能cover掉80%的inefficiency呢?

而如果真的是由於這些少數人造成整個government inefficiency, 那麼即便這些人再難除掉, 難道政府寧願因為一條手臂中毒而讓整個人都毒發身亡而不肯壯士斷腕嗎? 推出的結論很自然的是因為中毒的部分太多, 所以不敢輕舉妄動啊...

由此, 我覺得II也是對的, 作者認為其實更多的government workers該被fire掉, 只是礙於這種保護制度政府很難動作罷了...

也許我的表達不太清楚, 可是我是透過這樣的思路選了D, 可否請各位牛人指點一二... 感謝!!

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