港中文Full time MBA program 4月初给了admission,没有奖学金;
现在我有点纠结。港中文面试的时候,著名的lawrence同学,先肯定了我的职业经历,然后用了很长时间指出,我年龄比较大,那些typical MBA student也许不会欢迎我和他们一起social,我知道他是在考我的反应能力,我回答的也还不错,所以他过了一个周末就给admission了,不过我要承认,他说的事情,在一定程度上是真的,因此我去港中文决心有点动摇。
Hello there,
Well you ask a lot of questions! And I'm not sure I have all the detail I need to answer you fully, but I'll try my best.
First thing is first: You should choose your school in function of your goals. What do you do now? What do you want to do afterwards? Will you stay in the same industry? Do you want to work in the US? Would you prefer to work in China? If you want to work in the US, of course going to one of the US schools makes most sense, and likewise, if you are planning on remaining in China, it doesn't necessarily make that much sense to study in the US.
I'm not sure that it matters whether or not the China department of Education recognizes the degree. What is important is: Who will you network with? And What job can you get? Ultimately you are going to school not to gather a diploma or have a good time (although you may do both) but to advance your career, and that is the thing that matters most.作者: 百分比 时间: 2014-5-22 15:48