1. Can you put it on your expense account? 这个你能报销吗?
2. Water is squirting out. 水滋出来了!
3. Don’t quarrel with your tools. 别拉不出屎来赖茅坑。
4. He went off like a shot. 他噌地一下就跑了。
5. It can be ruinously expensive. 贵得要死。
6. You’ve moved up in the world. 你小子抖起来了。
7. He’s very secretive. 他太内向。
8. Can’t you take a joke? 开个玩笑都不行啊。
9. America is a melting pot. 美国是个大熔炉。
10. New brooms sweep cleaner. 新官上任三把火。
1. I’m just a tinpot manager. 我只是个小小的经理。
2. She gave me a brush-off. 她对我爱搭不理的。
3. The writing is on the wall. 不祥之事就要发生。
4. We’re expecting a full house tonight. 今晚将座无虚席。
5. Cross the bridge when we get to it. 车到山前必有路。
6. I’m of two minds. 我犹豫不定。
7. This is a perennial problem. 这是个老大难问题。
8. That’s not saying much. 这话等于没说。
9. She wears skimpy dresses. 她穿着暴露。
10. Don’t learn it by rote. 别死记硬背。
1. Sorry, I’m booked up. 对不起,我另有安排了。
2. She’s a tough cookie. 她可不是个善茬儿。
3. Don’t obfuscate the main issue. 别故弄玄虚。
4. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians. 当官的太多,干活的太少。
5. Something is in the air. 要出事。
6. First love is engraved on our mind forever. 初恋刻骨铭心。
7. Its only saving grace is ... 唯一可取之处是 ……
8. It’s just a measly present. 微薄小礼而已。
9. Many work by fits and starts. 很多人都是三天打鱼,两天晒网。
10. Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。
1. He was met with hoots of derision. 人们冲他喝倒彩。
2. In the end I just lost it. 最后我还是发火了。
3. That’s vindictive. 这是在报复。
4. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. 会哭的孩子有糖吃。
5. I admire your serenity. 真佩服你的冷静。
6. My wife is the gnome of Zurich. 财政大权在我老婆手里。
7. It’s amateurish. 太不专业了。
8. Stop papering over your cracks. 别描了,越描越黑。
9. My enthusiasm was blunted. 我的心凉了一半。
10. Well, the knives are out for me. 这下可好,大家都冲我来了。作者: Cristina 时间: 2014-3-26 15:47
1. That guy is a slippery customer. 那小子是个老油条。
2. Sales are flat / slack. 销售平平。
3. When Greek meets Greek. 棋逢对手。
4. First loves are indelibly etched into our minds. 初恋刻骨铭心。
5. It’s the jack in office that causes problems. 小鬼难缠。
6. He swears black is white. 他睁眼说瞎话。
7. That song is before the Flood. 那首歌太老了。
8. She was a budding genius. 她是一颗冉冉升起的新星。
9. I don’t think you realize the enormity of the problem. 你不知道问题有多严重。
10. My conscience is restless. 我良心不安。
1. The weather was rotten. 天气糟透了。
2. The word has a pejorative overtone. 这个单词有点贬义。
3. You backed the wrong horse. 你找错人了。
4. He rings up chat lines all the time. 他老打信息台。
5. The bird has flown. 人去楼空了。
6. The price is extortionate. 太贵了。
7. We offer sizeable rake-offs. 我们回扣给的很多。
8. He lacks in guile. 他这人没什么心机。
9. Get a frame?杀一盘?
10. On your mark … get set … go! 各就各位,预备,跑!
1. I said a few words off the cuff. 我即兴讲了几句。
2. By rights, I owe you an apology. 按理说,我得向你道歉。
3. Fear is contagious. 恐慌会传染。
4. Will they reimburse you? 报销吗?
5. Your eyes are tantalizing. 你的眼睛让人心猿意马。
6. Don’t tamper with the machine. 别瞎鼓捣机器。
7. OK, I’ll play along. 他不是想玩吗?OK,我陪他玩。
8. The song failed to catch fire. 这首歌没火起来。
9. I’m biding my time. 我在等待时机。
10. Any stick will serve to beat a dog with. 欲加之罪,何患无辞。
1. I’ll give you the first refusal. 我给你优先权。
2. Let’s get down to brass tacks. 咱们讨论实质问题吧。
3. It’s half the battle. 这就成功了一半了。
4. It’d open up a Pandora’s box. 麻烦会接踵而来。
5. You can find a girl like that all over the place. 这种女孩到处都是。
6. The place abounds with bars. 那地方酒吧林立。
7. The system is iniquitous. 体制不公正。
8. Your corners are knocked off. 你的棱角被磨平了。
9. It’s her sore spot. 这是她的痛处。
10. I wager you 10 yuan. 我敢跟你赌十块钱。作者: Cristina 时间: 2014-3-26 15:48
1. I’ll give you the first refusal. 我给你优先权。
2. Let’s get down to brass tacks. 咱们讨论实质问题吧。
3. It’s half the battle. 这就成功了一半了。
4. It’d open up a Pandora’s box. 麻烦会接踵而来。
5. You can find a girl like that all over the place. 这种女孩到处都是。
6. The place abounds with bars. 那地方酒吧林立。
7. The system is iniquitous. 体制不公正。
8. Your corners are knocked off. 你的棱角被磨平了。
9. It’s her sore spot. 这是她的痛处。
10. I wager you 10 yuan. 我敢跟你赌十块钱。
1. The memories are hazy now. 记忆已经模糊了。
2. Our marriage is rock solid. 我们的婚姻很稳固。
3. Now you're talking. 这个主意还不错。
4. How could you hold it back ? 你干吗瞒我呀?
5. He was born by cesarean. 他是剖腹产。
6. We go straight for the jugular. 我们一剑封喉。
7. Obvisouly the speech lacked punch. 很明显,演说缺少感染力。
8. The photo is unflattering. 你人比照片上好看。
9. Don’t rake up the past. 不要翻旧帐。
10. What's your star sign? 你是哪个星座的?
1. Everyone is subject to the rule of law. 法律面前,人人平等。
2. I'm dumbfounded. 靠,我倒。
3. He’s a real Sphinx. 他喜怒不形于色。
4. I’m a gofer. 我只是个跑腿儿的。
5. I’m not worried. I have a friend at court. 我不担心。我有靠山。
6. You bear all the hallmarks of a playboy. 你具备花花公子的一切特征。
7. I wanted the ground to open up. 我恨不得找个地缝钻下去。
8. That was out of character of her. 依她的个性,她不大可能这么做。
9. It’s blistering heat outside. 外面太热了。
10. I saw you ogling her. 我看见你朝她抛媚眼了。
1. Don’t look at the world through dark glasses. 别那么悲观。
2. You're not aware of the seamy side of life. 你还没有见到社会的阴暗面。
3. Stop equivocating. 别模棱两可的。
4. I’m a glutton for books. 我爱书如命。
5. Her face is her fortune. 她全仗着那张脸蛋儿。
6. How did you fare in the test? 你考的怎么样?
7. My girlfriend can be very erratic. 我女朋友忽冷忽热的。
8. You have a skin like a rhinoceros. 你脸皮够厚。
9. You egged me on. 是你鼓动我干的。
10. He’s no oil painting but his girlfriends are legion! 他相貌平平,女朋友却一大堆。作者: sailman 时间: 2014-3-27 16:37