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标题: 【经验分享】 考试的时候pace跟不上怎么办?看看下面给你的答案吧~ [打印本页]

作者: beyondgmatqin    时间: 2014-3-17 15:55     标题: 【经验分享】 考试的时候pace跟不上怎么办?看看下面给你的答案吧~

做CAT时落后于既定Pace,怎么办?我在Manhattan丛书分册《Manhattan0 Roadmap》里看到了权威的解读,希望给大家帮助。

      首先我们要明白GMAT评分方法,在《Manhattan0 Roadmap》里我看到了一个绝佳的比喻,将CAT考试比作登山,考试开始时,我们在半山腰(<50 percentile),做对一道题,往上爬一点;做错一道题,或许原地不动,或许往下退一点。越往上爬,题目越难。如果你对一道、错一道,就是停留在同一个高度;如果对的比错的多,那整体的轨迹就是往上爬。直到最后一道题,我们所处的高度即是percentile。


《Manhattan0 Roadmap》 Page214: A person who leaves the GMAT with a totally awesome 740 score is someone who spent half the test failing at 750- and 760- level problems.


《OG13》 Page17右边小方框:Verbal部分剩下5道题没做,会从91percentile降到77percentile

      这就告诉我们Pace的重要性,下面几句摘自《Manhattan0 Roadmap》





      考试中我们蒙的这道题,本身有有1/5的概率蒙对、1/5~1/4的概率是不计分的测试题、再排除一些most,never等绝对的字眼,同时能赢回pace,放松心态,总要比顶着压力,每道题加快15秒 做4个才能赚回1分钟的方法要强吧。

      看到回复中很多战友惊异于这种方法,我将原文截取一些复制在这里《Manhattan0 Roadmap》 Page164

You are going to need to sacrifice something in order to get back on track; you don’t have a choice about
that. You do have a choice about what you sacrifice. Don’t sacrifice problems in your fast and accurate
areas. Don’t tell yourself that you’ll do this question 30 seconds faster because you already know how to
do it, so you can just speed up. You’re risking a careless mistake on a question that you know how to get
right, plus you re going to have to do that on several questions to make up the two minutes that you’re
behind, so you’re really giving yourself a chance to miss multiple questions that you know how to do.

Instead, the very next time you see a question that you know is a weakness of yours, skip it. Make an
immediate, random guess and move on. There—youve only sacrificed one question, and it was a weakness
anyway. Depending upon the question type and how quickly you moved on, you saved anywhere
from a little under one minute to a little under two minutes. If that’s enough to catch back up, great.
If not, repeat this behavior until you are caught back up. On average, don’t skip
more than one question out of every five. Don’t worry if you see two “big weakness”
questions in a row, though. Maybe you got lucky and got that first one right.
Maybe one is an experimental. Even if they both count, getting two wrong in a
row won’t kill your score—you can recover because you still have more questions
to come—and you’re unlikely to have gotten them right anyway.

      总之,我从Manhattan0- Road Map受益颇多。我把整本书都打印了出来,坐地铁,等人的时候,翻一翻,两周就看完了,包括随记了些重点。
作者: 猫咪iyo    时间: 2014-3-19 16:00


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