标题: The Berkeley-Haas MBA 在校生答疑帖【转】 [打印本页] 作者: Kevin李 时间: 2013-12-30 11:03 标题: The Berkeley-Haas MBA 在校生答疑帖【转】
Greetings from California! We are current Berkeley-Haas full-time MBA students from China! We share diverseprofessional backgrounds, we have various career aspirations, and we have different interests, but what brings
us together is the Berkeley-Haas MBA experience! It's a heritage of helping each other succeed, a value that
urges you to pursue your utmost passion, a culture that champions confidence with humility , and a city where
beautiful sunshine and innovative ideas come across. We are more than happy to share our studies, lives, and
all of the interesting things happening at UC Berkeley.
Feel free to leave your questions here, we will try our best to answer. We look forward to seeing you in California!
- Albert Wu Class 2013, 5year Real Estate Private Equity - Emilie Deng Class 2013, 5year Capital Market Advisory & Consulting - Emma Qian Class 2012, 5year High tech industry - Hongwei Li Class 2013, 8year Technology & Operation(新浪微博:www.weibo.com/u/1496937861) - Isabel Feng Class 2013, 3 years foreign commercial bank. - Jacqueline Zhong Class 2013, 2year FMCG marketing, 3year management consulting, 2year PE startup- Toby Sun Class 2013, 6year FMCG Marketing (新浪微博:www.weibo.com/suntoby) 作者: Kevin李 时间: 2013-12-30 11:04
答:(Emilie) 我感觉到是一个自我发现的过程,有的人可能在businessschool之前是不知道自己想做什么的,可是因为我们同学来自各个行业,你完全的可以从身边的同学中找出来自你想做的行业,乃至公司的人。通过和他们的交流,你可以不断挖掘出你自己倒底想做什么。
答:(Albert) Haas鼓励你去追寻自己真正的passion,而不是从众作出选择(Challenge the status quo)。我自己也受到了这个精神的激励。来美国之前原本想跟风去找投行的实习,但现在决定去找自己更想做的实习,虽然更小众,networking更艰难,但我想是值得的。
答:(Isabel) For me it's the improvement of overall energy levels and theability to prioritize things.
答:(Jacqueline) 对我自己而言,最大的改变是对diversified culture有了更多的认识,也更加深切体会到时间管理的重要性,对于这一点,我仍在学习中。
答:(Toby) 最大的改变是敢于利用一切机会挑战自己,充分尝试各种不同的事情。比如想方设法在融入全英教学环境、赶上美国同学的学习进度、参与课堂讨论表达自己观点;再比如参加MBAA(Berkeley MBA学生会)主席竞选,虽然最后在4个候选人中只拿到20%选票,但从备选到准备纲领到演讲,在整个过程中的收获是事前自己无法想象的。还比如融入美国同学的生活,和大家一起组织去加州和内华达州交界处的LakeTahoe滑雪、参加各种几乎疯狂的party… 尽管现在只过去了一个学期,挑战已经无处不在。记得一位资深校友在我们刚来的时候和我说过,在Haas的两年MBA,you have everything togain, you have nothing to lose. 我自己尝尝接他的话茬,Just do itJ
答:(Jacqueline) 我个人觉得职业发展没有可行不可行一说,更关键的是你有多想做你想做的事情,愿意为之付出多大的努力。很多人都会希望通过读MBA转做CONSULTING,所以这条路绝对是行得通的,至于长期要做能源方面的VC,那就要看你如果将你短期目标和长期目标结合起来来实现这个想法。通过MBA转型,我觉得最重要的就是你如何通过MBA两年的时间来证明自己对这个新的领域确实是有passion,且已经开始积累这个领域所要求的各种skill。具体的证明方法可以是参加club, take leadership position in the club,competition and networking with people from target industry,等等.作者: Kevin李 时间: 2013-12-30 11:04
6、Panelquestion: The diverse and collaborative culture at Haas is quite impressive butI would like to hear more about the specific courses and activities that mostattracted you to Haas. Were there any additional resources/courses that youhave discovered since beginning at Haas that you would like to highlight toprospective students?
答:(Hongwei) Diversity: For example, dragaoke,a traditional activity in Haas, is a support to our minoritygroup of LGBT. In this activity, guys will dress in female clothing and viceversa.We are in the first year now and learning thecores. One unique course we had last semester was Leadership communication, inwhich we worked in small groups of 10 students and practiced our publicspeaking skills. Furthermore, it's also a very good opportunity to know yourclassmates better. Their life stories were really inspiring to me, and you willfind that you will learn even more from your peers than from the course. I nowfeel very enjoyable for public speaking.
7、Couldyou Please introduce some information about energy field in Haas? Especially inclean energy.
答:(Isabel) Haas is a great place for those interested in this field. Lots ofclubs, conferences and classes on this area. You are also come across peoplesharing similar interests and extend your networking outside of B-school. Forexample, you have lots of opportunities to work with students in engineering,etc on startup ideas/etc. In a word, great place for clean energy enthusiasts.
9、请问Isabel,三年的工作经历算是比较短,而且也不是投行/咨询这类非常强的工作背景,会不会在工作经历上有劣势。请问你在essay里面怎么展示自己work experience上面的亮点的?
答:(Isabel) Not at all. It's never about where you worked/for howlong but what you did and how you did it. Even if you are anI-banker/consultant, there can be thousands of such people out there who didthe same position as yours and who did for even longer years, and the essayswould not ask you to list a laundry list of JD but rather the actions youtook which demonstrate what the school advocates. However, you don't need toforce your stories to fit a certain stereotype just for the purpose ofgetting admitted.Even if you are, you won't feel fit and will sufferafterwards.
17、concerningcareer goal的问题:我的背景比较单一,本科accounting,然后一直在500强做finance, 工作了7年;当然其中rotate了不同的function,现在做corporate finance manager.我想知道我这样的背景在大陆申请人里算是主流背景嘛?其次是关于未来的careerpath,我现在非常纠结是转consulting,还是在继续在corporatefinance领域走下去,然后做CFO-CEO?这两个方向我都蛮喜欢的!但是如果转consulting会不会年龄太大了?
答:(Jacqueline) HAAS的学生背景都非常diversified,确实很难说哪种职业背景是主流。以我过往的了解,总体来说MBA申请人中的很大一部分人为投行和咨询公司。但说实话,是否主流背景并没有那么重要,更重要的是whoyou are, and how you can differentiate yourself from other applicants.
答:(Isabel) The situation varied for each of us. I applied in R3. For me itwas GMAT&IBT in Dec, application essays/recommedation letters in Jan. But Iwish I could have more time. I encourage you guys to startpreparing earlier.
19、问:hass在consumer goods方面有哪些资源呢,想请fmcgbackground的嘉宾介绍介绍,怎么想到考虑申请hass的
答:(Jacqueline) 在consumer goods方面,我们有非常活跃的marketingclub,他们会组织speaker series,还有companytreks。此外,我们的career office也会组织相关的panel,请CPG行业人士给感兴趣的同学做speech,介绍行业, 做marketing case practice等等。由于我未来的发展方向不是在consumergoods,所以申请的时候没有特别留意这方面的信息。
答:(Isabel) We have only finished one Core course on Marketing so we cannotoffer too much advice on course specifics on this area yet. However there areplenty resources that students can leverage if they ever aspire to launch acareer in Marketing/Strategy, for example we have MKT/Strategy clubs, businessplan competitions and a wide selection of electives touching on almost allaspects of MKT/strategy.
答:(Isabel) School will contact you to arrange an interview. Nomally theyshould offer you choices of interview locations and once you pick one, you willbe advised of interviewer name and contact information. Then you contact theinterview to schedule a time/location for interview based on your mutualpreferences. Admission office will advise the admission outcome by the datespecified. Pls refer to school website.