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标题: 托福 口语sample【转】 [打印本页]

作者: 未来的选择    时间: 2013-12-20 15:08     标题: 托福 口语sample【转】

Task 2 【教育类】

21. Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science? Include details and examples to support your opinion.

Sample answer: Music and art should be important components(成分,科目) of the school curriculum(课程) because they have many uses besides recreation. To study music is to study the basics. Through its study, students come into contact with(接触) other basic areas of the curriculum: math, science, social studies, languages, and physical education. Apart from that, music, like reading, writing and speaking, conveys(传达) thoughts, ideas and feelings. It also provides an avenue for(提供方法/途径) developing self-expression and creativity. On the other hand, art education in itself has tremendous value(具有巨大价值). Learning about the history, sharing ideas and knowledge, is always a good thing. Music and art, therefore, as important parts of our lives, should be taught in high school.

22. Do you think sports courses should be a required part of every school day? Sample answer From my point of view, sports courses form an essential part of children's education for many reasons. First of all, doing sports helps maintain the physical fitness of students. Movement coming from physical exertion during exercise promotes circulation of blood to all parts of the body. Thus, it results in vigor and stamina which help to prevent diseases and sickness. Moreover, exercise develops sportsmanship among students. When they play as a team, they are able to identify their role and worth to reach the same goal. It also helps enrich/promote/improve their friendship and personality. Therefore, I think sports courses should be mandatory (必修的) in school.

23. Some students like classes where teachers lecture in class. Other students prefer classes where the students do some of the talking. Which type of class do you prefer?

Sample answer Both teaching and learning approaches are valuable and have relative merits. Classes dominated by teacher's lectures are full of enthusiasm which stimulates interest. Then the interested people tend to learn more. Also, lectures provide a faster, simpler method of presenting information to the students. They are particularly useful for students who read poorly or who are unable to organize the material. While on the other hand, tutorial allows students to participate in discussions which put them in an active role rather than a passive one. However, neither of them is universal. Therefore, I can hardly say that I prefer either approach; I think the choice should depend on circumstances including the subject to learn, the depth to explore and the quality that the lecturer or the discussing group have.

24. Do you agree or disagree that college students should do an internship before graduation?

Sample answer: I think it’s a good idea for college students to do an internship before graduation. First, an internship provides practical work experience. It offers students a great opportunity to connect the classroom learning to the world outside.(理论与实践相结合) Also, this can help students either confirm a career choice or make a decision to choose a different path. And that would be an informed decision about whether they are interested in a particular career. Furthermore, students who have completed internships would find employment more quickly following graduation. And they are more likely to be employed within their fields of study, and are more satisfied in their jobs. Therefore, I agree that college students should do an internship before graduation.

25. Do you agree or disagree that students will learn more when they have discussions?

Sample answer I agree that students should participate in discussions in class. Through two-way discussion, the teacher is able to know what the difficult parts are for the students and then easily help them solve the problems. Likewise, the students can have more opportunity to communicate with the teacher and report their difficulties in time. Thus, both teaching and learning can be effective. Meanwhile, the students can get a better understanding of teamwork and thus enhance their friendship. Most of all, the interactive class can achieve a better and more harmonious study atmosphere. This, in turn, would promote the efficiency. That's why I think discussion in class is a good idea for students.

26. Some people believe that students who want to go to university after graduation from high school should have about one year's time to get a job to obtain work experience or have a travel to enlarge their vision. Do you agree or disagree? What’s your opinion?

Sample answerAs far as I'm concerned, I think a gap year is a good idea for college students. Going away instead of directly going to university would provide them with a different and great experience. They would have the opportunity to see different things and know more about life. Taking a break from study is not only beneficial for their body, but also for their mind. It's like self–refreshment. After the break, they would be eager to return to college with a fresher outlook and clearer mind. Sometimes they may think more, connect their real world experience to their schoolwork and thus improve their efficiency. Somehow, students who take one year off either to work or to see the world, always wind up going back to school with more incentives(动力) to get more out of their education. So I think of taking one year off as a way of rejuvenating(使恢复,使更新) oneself.

27. Some people choose a major that may guarantee a good job. Other people choose a major out of their personal interest in that area. Which do you think is a good idea and why?

Sample answer These two aspects of choosing a major both have their merits, but I still think choosing a major out of personal interest is a better idea. To begin with, interest is the best teacher. Only when people show great interest in that particular area, they can do well in their academic career. In addition, interest leads to involvement and involvement leads to enthusiasm and more response, which is very important for a student who’s pursuing a better future. What’s more, long-term success depends on performance out of vital interest. Interest in the subject encourages them to take an optimistic view-point and continued action to accomplish their goal. Even when facing tough problems, they are able to tackle them and move forward. In closing, I agree with the idea of interest being the most important consideration of choosing a subject.

【科技类】about technology

28. Do you agree or disagree that cell phone usage should be banned in some places? Include details and examples to support your opinion.

Sample answer I strongly agree with the opinion that cell-phone usage should be banned in some places like concert halls, movie theaters or in some situations like when you are driving in cars or taking a subway, when you are in flight, in classes or meetings. For one thing, it has become social etiquette(礼节). The cell phone user should know when and where to pick up the cell phone and talk. Though people have personal right to use their phone, the others are not supposed to be involved in(被卷入)the unnecessary disturbance(不必要的打扰). For another, cellphone usage can harm a person's health. Brain cancer rates in the US have risen since cellphones were introduced, leading some people to wonder if cellphone usage is the reason for the increase. In recognition of those above, there should be some kind of regulations helping with this problem. This way people will be well aware.

【媒体类】about media

29. Where do you learn more from, media like newspapers, TV, Internet or people like friends, family and teachers?

Sample answer I think I learn more from people rather than media. I’ll take my mother as an example. When life seems hopeless, she is always there to help me every step of the way and she maintains everything will be fine unless I myself give up. I’m encouraged not only by her inspiring(令人鼓舞的) words but also by her action. By taking action, she has never been overwhelmed by pressure, adversity(困境) and even danger. Also when I feel blue(情绪低落) sometimes, I would turn to my classmates or friends for cheering up and comfort. While, media like TV or Internet can only equip me with(以武装)knowledge and information, they are incapable of giving me spiritual satisfaction(精神上的满足). So I learn about life, how to stay strong more from people around me than from the media.

【文化类】about culture

30. Should government give financial support to build museums and theaters? State your opinion and explain why.

Sample answerIn my point of view, government should provide fund to build museums and theaters because they serve as exhibition centers for people to know about the history and culture of the country. The range of museums is fantastic—there are museums of ancient history and archaeology(考古学), of natural history and even museums for such things as transport and crime! And because the museums are constantly holding new exhibitions, there is always something different to see. Theaters offer people a big place to enjoy a variety of operas and plays of different regions. Even the world's best group comes occasionally. Meanwhile, the building of the museums and theaters will enhance the cultural exchange between countries. They are also one of the contributing factors that promote the national economy. That's why I think it's a good idea for government to help with the building of museums and theaters.

31. Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings?

Sample answerI think old buildings should be protected and maintained for the following reasons. First, old buildings carry a place's history, tradition, local custom and even some unique character. They were designed to be preserved as they were in early times. They serve as a mirror to remind modern people of their past that they should be proud of. Second, most old buildings are tourist attractions which interest visitors from all over the world. If they are damaged, they might go back with regret. In addition, tourism is always a big support to economy. Therefore, we should try to bring the funding into the budget to do whatever is necessary.

32. Some people prefer to get information through printed materials like books. Other people like to do that via the Internet. Which way do you prefer and why? (Which do you prefer, e-reading or traditional reading?  

Sample answer Some people prefer e-reading ‘cause it's fast and convenient. But in my opinion traditional reading is better for three reasons. First, paper reading doesn't have as much bad effect on our eyes as computer reading. Second, the printed word gives more comfort, enjoyment or personal touch than electronic text. I like the feeling of turning the page and taking notes on the book. Though computers are changing the reading habits, the long tradition of printed word may yet not be. Most people still read printed books, magazines and newspapers to get their information. Therefore, I prefer traditional reading to e-reading.

作者: 未来的选择    时间: 2013-12-20 15:08

【生活类】about life
33. Some people prefer to eat out. Others prefer home cooked meals with their family. Which of these types of meal do you prefer? Use specific examples and details for your preference.

Sample answer: Some people prefer eating out at a restaurant because they can eat a variety of delicious food in restaurants. However, I think that preparing food and eating home would be better for 3 reasons. First, home-cooked meals are always cheaper and cleaner. I don't have to pay a lot for the food in a restaurant or worry about the sanitary standard. Second, eating home allows for a free choice of food because each person has a private taste. Third, eating at home is one of the best ways to enhance the relationship inside the family. A table is a good place where family members could talk about their happy day. To conclude, I prefer eating home.

34. Do you agree that childhood is the happiest (or most precious) time in life? Sample answer:Generally speaking, childhood years are the happy or precious time of one's life. However, it is hardly appropriate to say those years are the happiest or the most precious. It is a fact that childhood, as the earliest part of one's life, has less pressure, fewer worries and concerns than adulthood. The time, however, may not necessarily be happy, for there are various factors that are involved in happiness. It depends on the individual and the family s/he was born into. If a person had grown up in a healthy family, s/he would have had a happy time in his/her childhood years. In addition, the other stages of life are also as precious and happy as childhood ‘cause a person may have the happiest moment in every stage of his/her life if s/he is smart enough. Therefore, I disagree that childhood is the happiest (or most precious) time in life.

【工作类】about job/career

35. Someone focuses on one job throughout his life; others like to change from one job to the other. Which one do you think is better, why?

Sample answer: Most of people choose their jobs according to their own working perceptions(理解), so their expectations for jobs are different. Each viewpoint has its advantages. For the former one, the constant job can provide people with stability, which will stimulate them to work harder. While, for the latter one, people will face more challenges and opportunity when jumping to another job. However, there are also downsides for the two points. When people have worked for a company for a long time, they may easily lose the innovation(创新), because they are too comfortable to change their current working conditions. Those who often change their jobs have to acquire time for them to adapt to new surroundings, which brings obstacles to a company at the rapid development. Since these two points of view have both pros and cons, no matter which one people select, the suitable one is the best one.
作者: Keunssy    时间: 2013-12-23 16:40

作者: masaduoduo    时间: 2013-12-26 15:41

thank u
作者: cameo    时间: 2013-12-27 11:18

作者: Kevin李    时间: 2013-12-30 12:02

many thanks
作者: Jessica8905    时间: 2013-12-31 13:41

thank u

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