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标题: gwd 8 Q35 [打印本页]

作者: TerraceHo    时间: 2013-5-8 06:42     标题: gwd 8 Q35

This passage was adapted from an

article written in 1990.

Research data indicate that

there is a great deal of poverty in

the United States among single-

parent families headed by women.

(5) This problem could result from

the fact that women’s wages are

only 60 percent of men’s. Some

economists believe that rigorous

enforcement of existing equal pay

(10) laws would substantially decrease

this wage inequity. But equal pay

laws are ineffectual when women

and men are concentrated in different

occupations because such laws

(15) require only that women and men

doing the same jobs be paid the

same. Since gender concentration

exists (for example, 80 percent of

clerical workers are women), other

(20) economists argue that a comparable

worth standard, which would

mandate that women and men in

any jobs that require comparable

training and responsibility be paid

(25) the same, should be applied

instead. But some policy analysts

assert that, although comparable

worth would virtually equalize male

and female wages, many single-

(30) parent families headed by women

would remain in poverty because

many men earn wages that are

below the poverty line. These

policy analysts believe that the

(35) problem is not caused primarily by

wage inequity but rather by low

wages coupled with single parenthood, regardless of sex. As a

solution, they challenge the govern-

(40) ment’s assumption that a family’s

income should depend primarily on

wages and urge the government to

provide generous wage supplements

(child and housing allow-

(45) ances) to single parents whose

wages are low.


The passage suggests that the United States government’s policy towards providing wage supplements to parents whose wages are low is

A. considered ill advised by most economists who have studied the issue

B. based on assumptions about the appropriate sources of family income
C. under revision in response to criticism from some policy analysts

D. capable of eliminating wage inequality but not of raising incomes for both women and men

E. applicable to single-parent families headed by women but not to single-parent families headed by men




作者: Lhitachii    时间: 2013-5-8 19:21

B. based on assumptions about the appropriate sources of family income   ^

**   Appropriate =should,      sources = depend on

As a solution, they challenge the govern-

[35] (40) ment’s assumption that a family’s   

income should depend primarily on

wages and urge the government to

provide generous wage supplements   

C 的urge是和challenge 并列的, 不属于assumption的范畴了, under revision是无关信息
作者: waytouing    时间: 2013-5-9 06:42

This passage was adapted from an

article written in 1990.

Research data indicate that
TerraceHo 发表于 2013-5-8 06:42

C肯定错误,因为这个给单亲家庭给予额外补助只是一些学者提出的方案,通过最后一句话得知;但究竟这个方案得到了什么样的反馈,文章中并未交代,所以自然无法得出C中的under revision in response to criticism from some policy analysts了。
作者: imddung    时间: 2013-5-9 21:16

they challenge the govern-

(40) ment’s assumption that a family’s

income should depend primarily on


请问这里GOVERNMENT AND ANALYST对于ASSUMPTION 的态度各是什么? 35题题目和答案能否请NN翻译一下。
作者: saffsa761    时间: 2013-5-10 06:58


they challenge the government's assumption that a family's income should depend primarily on

wages. 这应该是说政府对于家庭收入来源的认识是不对的,所以B中应该用inappropriate


作者: yujunchening    时间: 2013-5-10 22:00


United States government’s policy towards providing wage supplements to parents whose wages are low




答案B 基于对家庭收入的来源的正确假设。


作者: wzwkb    时间: 2013-5-11 10:23


they challenge the government's assumption that a family's income should depend primarily on

wages. 这应该是说政府对于家庭收入来源的认识是不对的,所以B中应该用inappropriate


作者: wowuliao    时间: 2013-5-12 16:15


United States government’s policy towards providing wage supplements to parents whose wages are low




答案B 基于对家庭收入的来源的正确假设。


作者: Knightll    时间: 2013-5-13 18:56


they challenge the government's assumption that a fami ...
saffsa761 发表于 2013-5-10 06:58

    没看清楚题目,题目问的是:文章提示United States government’s policy towards providing wage supplements to parents whose wages are low (这个政策)是?  这个政策正是文章提出的对现有政策不足的一个solution,而不是政府的现行政策。
作者: saffsa761    时间: 2013-5-14 06:26

没看清楚题目,题目问的是:文章提示United States government’s policy towards providing wag ...
Knightll 发表于 2013-5-13 18:56

作者: Shaple    时间: 2013-5-14 18:48

35 B

providing wage supplements to parents whose wages are low 是policy analyst的建议,不是政府已经实施的措施

C 主要错误应该是under revision,文中没有评价 providing wage supplements to parents whose wages are low 这个计划,怎么能说under revision
作者: psycheps    时间: 2013-5-15 18:56



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