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标题: PREP 2007 CR1 第23题 [打印本页]

作者: zhanghaolin    时间: 2013-3-5 07:19     标题: PREP 2007 CR1 第23题

From 1978 to 1988,beverage containers accounted for a steadily decreasing percentage of the totalweight of household garbage in the United States.  The increasingly widespread practice ofrecycling aluminum and glass was responsible for most of this decline.  However, although aluminum recycling was morewidely practiced in this period than glass recycling, it was found that theweight of glass bottles in household garbage declined by a greater percentagethan the weight of aluminum cans.

Which of thefollowing, if true of the United States in the period 1978 to 1988, most helpsto account for the finding?

(A) Glass bottles aresignificantly heavier than aluminum cans of comparable size.

(B) Recycled aluminumcans were almost all beverage containers, but a significant fraction of therecycled glass bottles had contained products other than beverages.

(C) Manufacturersreplaced many glass bottles, but few aluminum cans, with plastic containers.

(D) The total weightof glass bottles purchased by households increased at a slightly faster ratethan the total weight of aluminum cans.

(E) In many areas,glass bottles had to be sorted by color of the glass before being recycled,whereas aluminum cans required no sorting.


提问:为什么不是A。A虽然不能完全得出结论,但在一定程度上support结论。most help和support有什么区别?


作者: fantasy1989    时间: 2013-3-5 21:22

A才是真正的无关 数量和比例是不同的概念

本题是要求找一个原因解释现象 不能说有新元素引入就一定是无关选项

用思维做题 不要用规则做题
作者: zhanghaolin    时间: 2013-3-6 06:41

不好意思,我还是不太理解您的意思。我对这种most help题(还有41题)不是很明白
作者: saintaa    时间: 2013-3-6 21:07

A项的话后面有个限制条件,说同样大小的玻璃容器比铝制的中很多,但是文中没有说这两种材质的容器大小一样,这样的话还是相当于引入额外信息。 C项说,生产商用塑料制容器取代了很多玻璃质的而很少取代铝制的,很好的解释了为什么玻璃质下降的更多。

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