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标题: 哪位大牛帮解释一下 OG12 SC [打印本页]

作者: Seven9208    时间: 2013-2-18 10:28     标题: 哪位大牛帮解释一下 OG12 SC

  Of ail the vast tides of migration that have swept through history, maybe none is more concentrated as the wave that brought 12 million immigrants onto American shores in little more than three decades.

(A)        maybe none is more concentrated as

(B)        it may be that none is more concentrated as

(C)        perhaps it is none that is more concentrated than

(D)        maybe it is none that was more concentrated than

(E)    perhaps none was more concentrated than

OG的解释里说C选项的it must refer to something,这里it is that 不是强调句吗?为什么和it is clear that不一样呢?
还有 none is more concentrated中is的时态为什么要用过去时要跟brought一致呢,它是一个现象,是一个事实的话不是可以用一般现在时吗?跟第一句中的have swept一样。求解答啊,跪谢了!!

作者: chenlencu    时间: 2013-2-18 19:03

好像og特别不喜欢用it is ...that...这样的句子。常常被判为awkward and redundant。
至于为啥是was,我觉得这个整个句子都在讲历史,through history.
作者: mslancaster    时间: 2013-2-19 21:09

it is clear that...,這裡it是做形式主語,指代的是that-clause,但是,這一個並不是強調句...
不是所有的it is...that..都是強調句的。
(2)【from Ron】
if you are directly describing historical events, you have to use a verb tense that can properly refer to past events. (by “directly” i mean as opposed to, say, discussing the implications of historical events on the present, or evaluating them from a present-day standpoint. in those kinds of contexts, the present tense could be quite reasonable.)

have swept強調的是vast tides已經發生了,它們的發生對現在仍然存在影響
作者: Seven9208    时间: 2013-2-20 06:46

作者: Seven9208    时间: 2013-2-20 06:50

我想问的是,第二点里面,如果后面的时态是一般过去时,那么表示对现在仍存在影响为什么不用had swept呢?
作者: mslancaster    时间: 2013-2-21 07:20

有點不太懂lz的意思,是指放在句子裏面,後面用brought,所以前面應該用had swept嗎?
lz讀句子的時候要把握后動作發生的time frame,bring的動作最先發生,sweep是後來用來評論所有wave對現在所造成的影響的,不屬於past pf the past,所以不能用past perfect.

另外,個人認為,要強調對現在這個時點還有影響的話,應該用present perfect,它對應的time frame應該是從過去的某個時點到現在;
強調對於過去的時點【在過去的那個時間看來,那時候就是現在...有點複雜哈不過可以理解為把present tense全部退後一階】還有影響的話,用past perfect,對應的time frame是從過去的過去到過去的那個時點。
作者: Seven9208    时间: 2013-2-21 20:18


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