Cajuns speak a dialect brought to southern Louisiana by the 4,000 Acadians who migrated there in 1755; their language is basically seventeenth-century French to which has been added English, Spanish, and Italian
(A) to which has been added English, Spanish, and Italian words
(B) added to which is English, Spanish, and Italian words
(C) to which English, Spanish, and Italian words have been added
(D) with English, Spanish, and Italian words having been added to it
(E) and, in addition, English, Spanish, and Italian words are added
我想问的是分号之后的那个their是在指代Cajuns? 还是 Acadians?
作者: jasper123 时间: 2013-1-15 21:24
但我困惑的是“the 4,000 acadians”。
(1)在manhattan forum上面看到Ron如下說:
[the + numerical expression] indicates that these items/people/whatever are everything that exists. 就是說[the + numerical expression]表示的是expression裏面的noun的所有數量。見下例:
e.g. 1
three witnesses to a crime does not imply that there are only three witnesses
The three witnesses to a crime implies that those are the only three people who were witnesses.
(2)另外,在MANHATTAN里看到這樣說的:the personal pronouns it and they/them indicate definiteselection of an entire object or collection. 然後後面的例句是:After walking by the chocolates so many times, Roger finally had to eat THEM.
如果根據MANHATTAN所說它們要知道definite selection of an entire object or collection的話,我覺得their指代the 4000 acadians貌似要比cajuns合理,因為acadians前面有the,並且4000已經是他們全部的數量了。
希望看到的童鞋能夠share ur ideas!! 很想知道我這個想法有木有問題!!
謝謝!!作者: jasper123 时间: 2013-1-16 20:47