问题是1月开始,这个人每月15号开始往帐户存钱120美元,存连续几个月后开始余下每月15号开始取钱50元,五月的closing balance是2600,问what the range of monthly closing balances of this account?
1.4月的closing balance少于2625
2.6月的closing balance少于2675
帮我看看哈,谢谢!作者: weidehou 时间: 2013-1-9 21:46
那么答案里的表述,...which gives a range of monthly closing balance of (120)(10),是什么意思呀?那个例子里是说前11个月各存120,最后一个月取,那range应该是11*120-50,也不等于120*10呀。。。作者: nancy5130 时间: 2013-1-11 07:02
解释说:given both (1)and (2), it follows from the remarks above that Carl began making $50 withdrawals on june 15.Therefore, the change to C's account balance for each month of last year are known. Since the closing balance for May is given, it follows that the closing balances for each month of last year are known, and hence the range of thease 12 known values can be determined.
黄色部分不是很清楚,希望哪位XDJM能瞅一眼,答疑解惑~!谢谢了!!作者: ozymen 时间: 2013-1-12 06:47