Wolvesgenerally avoid human settlements. Forthis reason, domestic sheep, though essentially easy prey for wolves, are notusually attacked by them. In Hylantiaprior to 1910, farmers nevertheless lost considerable numbers of sheep towolves each year. Attributing this tothe large number for wolves, in 1910 the government began offering rewards tohunters for killing wolves. From 1910 to1915, large numbers of wolves were killed. Yet wolf attacks on sheep increased significantly.
Whichof the following, if true, most helps to explain the increase in wolf attackson sheep?
A. Populationsof deer and other wild animals that wolves typically prey on increasedsignificantly in numbers from 1910 to 1915.
B. Priorto 1910, there were no legal restrictions in Hylantia on the hunting of wolves.
C. !After 1910 hunters shot and wounded asubstantial number of wolves, thereby greatly diminishing these wolves’ abilityto prey on wild animals.
D. Domesticsheep are significantly less able than most wild animals to defend themselvesagainst wolf attacks.
E. Thesystematic hunting of wolves encouraged by the program drove many wolves inHylantia to migrate to remote mountain areas uninhabited by humans.
A 为什么不对?答案是c作者: avenue5th 时间: 2012-11-2 21:19
If anything, (A) will deepen the paradox, since the other wild animals were increasing, why did these wolves prefer to the more dangerous choice?作者: gongbing66 时间: 2012-11-3 06:36
文中说的是deer and the other wild animals ,我一直把deer看成了sheep。谢谢ls作者: monkeyjjl 时间: 2012-11-3 20:35
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