those who advocate no censoring in medium might point out that it is difficult to define obscene and offensive language and behavior in programs. Even so, in my view, no matter how difficult to make an agreement on standard, the effort is worthwhile.
no matter how的用法对吗?我经常写了以后,对自己的语法困惑,大家是怎么办的呢?今天早上我就为用media还是the media大伤脑筋。一向对是否加定观词很迷糊。后来发现用复数,简单多了。自己创作的句子可不象语法改错那么容易,快考了,真着急呀。哪种字典的例句最丰富呢?否则,我只好一句一句问大家了[em01]作者: tongxun 时间: 2002-11-4 12:25