109.Springfield Fire Commissioner: The vast majority offalse fire alarms are prank calls made anonymouslyfrom fire alarm boxes on street corners. Since virtuallyeveryone has access to a private telephone, thesealarm boxes have outlived their usefulness. Therefore,we propose to remove the boxes. Removing the boxeswill reduce the number of prank calls withouthampering people's ability to report a fire.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports
the claim that the proposal, if carried out, will have the
announced effect?
(A)The fire department traces all alarm calls made
from private telephones and records where they
came from.
(B)Maintaining the fire alarm boxes costs
Springfield approximately $5 million annually.
(0A telephone call can provide the fire department
with more information about the nature and
size of a fire than can an alarm placed from an
alarm box.
(D)Responding to false alarms significantly reduces
the fire department's capacity for responding
to fires.
(E)On any given day, a significant percentage of
the public telephones in Springfield are out of
只是不知道为什么OG说E选项是weakens support for (2):doing so will not hamper people's ability to report fires
自己觉得public telephones在这儿是无关选项吖··又不懂OG了···作者: DXDWSY 时间: 2012-10-19 21:16
谁能解释一下D为啥错了呢?作者: xiaoguolulu 时间: 2012-10-20 06:16
D也可以算是一种weaken;一种弱得weaken, On any given day, a significant percentage of the public telephones in Springfield are out of service.
能够打报警电话的:1, alarm box, 2. private telephone, 3. public telephones(stimulus中没有提到)
conclusion: Removing the boxeswill reduce the number of prank calls without hampering people's ability to report a fire
why we must reduce the number of prank calls ?
because; The vast majority offalse fire alarms are prank calls made anonymously from fire alarm boxes on street corners
why we can't have false alarms
because : Responding to false alarms significantly reduces the fire department's capacity for responding
C discusses the ability to give specific information about a
fire. The ability to provide SPECIFICS is not the same as the
ability to REPORT a fire -- the only issue at hand here. The
ability to REPORT a fire could still be hampered if private phones
are not able to reach the fire department as readily as alarm
Even more troubling, C says only that a telephone call CAN provide
more information; it does not say that telephone calls actually DO
provide more information.
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