52. As a promotional experiment, O company distributed four million catalogs. In one of the two versions of the catalog, the description of each item for sale mentioned a "Mention by Hand" label. The number of purchases from consumers receiving that catalog was twenty percent greater than the number of purchases from consumers receiving a catalog that did not mention the label. Thus, the mention of the label stimulated sales.
Which of the following, if true, could best be used to challange the conclusion drawn above?
A. Consumers receiving the catalog mentioning the label had previously purchased items from O company by mail but consumers receiving the other catalog had not.
C. The number of purchases from O company declined substantially after the promotional campaign was completed.
28. Grammarians have for years condemned as ungrammatical the English phrase "between you and I, " insisting that the correct phrasing is "between you and me," with the objective case after a preposition. Such condemnations, however, are obviously unfounded, because Shakespeare himself, in The Merchant of Venice, wrote, "All debts are cleared between you and I."
Which of the following, if true, most serously weakens the argument above?
A. In his plays, Shakespeare intentionally had some of his characters use phrases he considered ungrammatical.
E. Most native speakers of English who choose to say "between you and I" do so because they know that Shakespeare used that phrase.
这题答案也是A,但是我觉得E比A更有削弱作用啊?作者: avagmat 时间: 2012-10-5 19:56
25题,虽然我觉得A好像也有点牵强,A的意思是说 Consumers
receiving the catalog mentioning the label 以前在O家买过东西,所以
25题C是说促销活动结束后,销量大量下降。这说明促销期间销量是相对比较高的,可能是由于the mention of the label促销的,所以C选项严格来说是有可能加强原结论的。
28题的话,E选项给出的信息是,大多数人说“you and I"是因为他们知道sh也用。而楼主说”就说明不能用Sh的话当做证据“,这又是怎么得出的呢。楼主是否已经默认了”you and I "是语法错误的,所以才得出sh的话不可信呢。事实上题目中的两个对立的观点还没得到最后论证呢。作者: qianyangnet 时间: 2012-10-8 20:00