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标题: OG BERBAL RC 29 [打印本页]

作者: zhuxiaocao    时间: 2012-8-31 06:36     标题: OG BERBAL RC 29

Line The  new   school  of  political  history  that emerged  in the 1960sand 1970s sought to go beyond the traditional focus  of  political  historians  on
leaders and government institutions by  examining directly

(5) the  political  practices  of  ordinary  citizens.Likethe old approach, however, this new approach excluded women. Theverytechniquesthesehistoriansused to uncover mass political behavior in the nineteenth century United States-quantitative analysesof

(10) election returns,forexample-were uselessin analyzingthepolitical activitiesof women, who were denied the vote until 1920.

redefining "political activity," historian Paula Baker has developed a political history that includes

women. She concludes that among ordinary citizens, political activism by women in the nineteenth century prefigured trends in twentieth century politics. Defining "politics" as "any action taken to affect the course of behavior of

(20) government or of the community," Baker concludes that, while voting and holding office were restricted tomen,women inthe nineteenth century organized themselves intosocietiescommittedto social issues such astemperance and poverty. In other

(25) words,Bakercontends,womenactivistswere early practitionersof nonpartisan, issue-orientedpolitics and thus were more interested in enlisting lawmakers,regardless oftheirpartyaffiliation,on behalf of certain issues than in ensuring that one

(30) partyor anotherwonanelection.Inthetwentieth century, more men drew closer to women's ideas about politics and took up modes of issue-oriented politics that Baker sees women as having pioneered.


It can be inferred that the author of the passage quotes Baker directly in the second paragraph primarily in
order  to

(A) clarifyaposition before providing an alternative to that position

differentiate between a novel definition and traditional definitions

(C) provide an example of a point agreed on by different
generations of scholars

(D) provide an exampleoftheprosestyleof an

important historian
E)amplify a definition given in the first paragraph

文章的首段介绍了两种观点The   new  school  of  
political   history   that emerged   in the 1960sand 1970s    old approach
historian Paula Baker 的观点

像这样文章总共介绍了三种观点的的情况,题目问引出Paula Baker观点的作用,B选项说的是

differentiate between a novel definition and traditional definitions。作者的 novel definition , traditional definitions 分别指的是什么呢?

作者的 novel definition , traditional definitions 分别指的是什么呢?
因为第一段就引出了new 和old 两种approach 了,还可以把后面引入的Baker 的观点叫做novel definition吗?

作者: torresAing    时间: 2012-8-31 21:24

lz 研究某某阅读法 辛苦啦!!我来踩一踩
novel definition --------把女性拉进来 应该 包括 在 political activity 内。也就是 Baker 提出的观点。
traditional definition --- 把political activity 只限定为 “选举投票”--- 把女性 被 剔除在外。

运用 直接关注普通平民的政治活动  
来超越 旧历史学派 只关注 政治领导 和 政府机构

旧历史学派~~ 只关注 政治领导 和政府机构 (旧方法)
新历史学派~~ 要去 关注 普通平民的政治活动(新方法)

但是 旧方法 和 新方法 有共同点:

就是 都 将 political activity 限定 为 只是 投票选举
都剔除了  女性  ----- 因为 女性 没有选举权,不能投票。

然后,Baker 就开始 重新 定义 political activity

使得,女性 包涵 在 political activity 之中。

lz 看一下 og后面关于29题的解释 第二、三句。
The historians discussed in the first paragraph define political activity as voting.
Paula Baker, however, has a new definition of political activity, one that includes the activities of
those who were not allowed to vote.(其实 就是 指代 女性)

我觉得 文章 要表达
lz 说的这里 三种 观点
中前两种:(旧方法和新方法)都将 political activity 限定为 只是 “投票选举”——将女性 排除 在外
Baker 批判 的 是 旧方法 和 新方法 的共同点
Baker 认为 political activity 应该 将女性 纳入进来~
作者: zhuxiaocao    时间: 2012-9-1 06:44

作者: zhuxiaocao    时间: 2012-9-2 07:38

作者: torresAing    时间: 2012-9-3 06:30

我的iq那么就是已经 为负了 有我垫着~ 再说了 这考试本来就是BT
加油!!每天好好复习就好了~ 真的别想太多!看看我第一次还怕得不敢去考~ 比你更惨~ 一点都不会
几乎裸着去考~ 后来去考了 也发现 不过 如此 没有想象中的 那么BT

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