上来Good Morning。(递上护照,DS-160确认页,I-20)
VO:Good Morning. Whatwill you do in U.S.?
Me:Ah..I am here applyingfor F1 Student Visa.
VO:So which school?
Me: XXX, major in XX
VO: (开始翻我的护照)You havebeen X country. So what did you do there?
Me: I got my bachelor degree there, XXmajor.
VO: (继续看,仔细的看护照上面的X国签证)where isyour student visa?
Me: Ah..sir, it’s there, the bold blackones, you can see. Sir, Do you want to see the authentication?
VO: (放下护照,开始打字,噼里啪啦)Soyou’re going to XX university, study XX? Why this major?
Me: ……说了好长一串,语速也比较快,由于当初这些理由是自己练了很多遍的。
VO:Have you ever beentrained by 中介?(中介是直接用的中文。后来想想估计是当时说的太流利了,被怀疑是中介培训的。)
Me: No, sir.
VO: You sure?
Me: Yes, sir, I am sure.
VO: Okay, so what’s your father’s job.
Me: My father is a vice director of XXcompany.
VO: Okay, 给我看工作证明。
Me: (老老实实把收入证明递上去)
VO: Any bank certificate?
VO:(对着I-20看了一下)So yoursavings is not enough to support your 2 years cost, you have any other…
Me: (赶忙递上房、车的证明)
VO:(很直接问了一句)So you’regoing to sell your house?
Me: Of course not sir.
VO: (开始噼里啪啦的打字,打了足有3、4分钟,我看着他打,然后……)Sorry, sir, I cannot give you visa today. 你把你的存款证明弄多一点,下次欢迎你再来签证。
Me: thank you.
VO: thank you, bye.
Me:Hello,Good Morning。(但是这回不同了,加上了微笑。顺便递进去护照,DS-160和I-20)
VO:So what will you doin United States?
Me:Sir, I am going toXX university study XX, master program.
VO: Ah…so you have studied in X country? (被拒理由一:本科学校不清楚)
Me: Yep, sir. I got my bachelor degreethere and also I got scholarship in fourth year. So here is the certificate. (边说边拿材料,本科成绩单,国内教育部,X国外交部的认证,奖学金证明,毕业证原件)。
VO:Okay. Let me see…(指着着我的毕业证问了一句)So you have the bachelor science in commerce…
Me: (赶忙接话)Yeah, sir. And thenext paper is my scholarship certificate.
VO: Okay, good. (点头,予以肯定。感觉第一个问题印象不错。至此本科学校纠结完毕)So, what happened last time?
Me: Well, Last time the VO said everythingis OK, but I need to show you, sir more savings in my deposit certificate. Therefore,here it is (递上加了钱的存款证明以及学校寄回来的20W存款证明复印件)。
VO: (仔细看)
Me:Well,last timebecause (解释为什么只有20W)
VO: Well, Well, Okay…(把我的存款及其他资料垛好,放在一边,打字,噼里啪啦……至此被拒理由二纠结完毕)
VO:Okay, May I knowyour father’s job? (询问拒签理由三)
Me:My father is a vicedirector of a company…well, here I have some pictures and contracts of myfather’s company, you can see sir. (准备从窗口递进去)
VO:(继续打字,余光扫了一眼)well,no need, no need, just tell me your father’s job.(感觉已经想过我了)
Me:My father ‘s companyactually is in charge of……
VO: (我说完话后,打字不足10秒,他用标准的中文和我讲了一句梦寐以求的话)通过了!
VO:Okay. (递给我白条以及所有其他材料,其实就是邮寄单,717那天是白色的)Go to the post office please for your passport mailing.
Me:Thank you sir. (拿起白条,粗略垛好材料,抱着所有的文件袋,材料,转身,对我身后的三位同组人员说了两句:加油!他们对我会心的一笑。)