A股票下个月上涨的概率是45%,B股票下个月上涨的概率是64%,两个事件都不发生的概率(the probability of neither of the events will happen)最大可能的取值是:我选:36%(具体数字可能有误,但是我选是min(1-A, 1-B)。一开始还以为错了,因为这道题目结束后,计算机犹豫了一会儿伴随一声怪叫才出下一道题。(思考:如果A、B股票涨跌正相关,条件概率P(A|B)=1,画个图就是A圈包含在B圈内,那么min(1-A, 1-B)就是A、B均不上涨的概率的最大可能取值)(但是在现场我好像误选了max(1-A, 1-B),也没准是测试题,虽然我错了,还是没扣分,呵呵)
某环境学家研究温室效应发现其模型跟环境观测数据不符,并非如同模型所示的那般剧烈升温not as much ... as ...(有题,涉及extreme一词),然后此学家分析认为,硫排放对地球有了冷却作用,然后又进一步研究,认为硫排放主要集中在陆地较多的北半球(潜台词:南半球不应该也受到冷却呵),遂进一步否定自己,认为模型不对。(多么敬业的学者呵,勇于否定自己,不断前进!)另起一段,某人认为南半球气温变化比较柔和是海洋多的原因(考到了我的常识),同样起到了类似硫排放减缓温室效应的作用。此人主要从海洋和陆地的角度又正反论证了一些内容。
AI: 34
AA: Speed limit can not be changed in the East City. The reason is that whenever West City implemented the speed limits in the last decade, the automobile incidents increased in the following week.
题库换了, 数学只碰到一道JJ.剩下全都是新题. 白痴题碰到不多感觉难度比以往增加, 每一道题都要细心,. 只记得两道.
1.有一堆东东X, 每一件的正确与否都用两种方式记录: Paper 和Electrical. 在X中60%有PAPER错误的也有ELEC错误,75%有ELEC错误的也有PAPER错误,X中总共有3%既有PAPER错又有ELEC错。问X中既没有PAPER错也没有ELEC 错的比率。
(1)XY (2)YZ (3)ZW (4)XZ 具体选项记不清。
逻辑和语法: 记不起来了, 印象中没什么机经.
阅读: 两人均在前十道遇到两篇阅读 (4-10题)
第二段:有一个人M提出了一种理论认为这种植物可以squeeze soil and expand the coastal land. When the land extent and the FORMer coastal area become inland, the “land down” species will be replaced, thus create the distribution of this species. But this distribution can be broken by severe tide and storm.
Third, some other people approach that the above hypothesis can only be applied to the coastal area with weak tide and can not be applied to the stable coastal line. And these people approach another hypothesis that the distribution is controlled by the density of salt in the sea water where such species live. But this does not mean that such species need the salt to thrive, instead, the salt in the water can prevent other plants from living in the area.
2.The driving force of the population cycle of caterpillar
Many researchers have observed the population cycle of caterpillar, and many hypothesis have been approached in order to give an explanation to such phenomena, but none of these is consistent with the population cycle of caterpillar, making the researchers believe that their must be some driving force for the cycle.
Some others give another hypothesis that the population cycle is controlled by the virus. Before this hypothesis the researcher only believes that the virus only plays a role in the process of population decline but not initiate the decline. But the hypothesis acclaims that once the virus ingested by the caterpillar, it can reproduce and after the caterpillar dies, the virus can spread to the environment and infects more caterpillars.
3.New home appliance and the workload of women.
Traditional theory thinks that the new home appliance reduces the workload of women and gives them more leisure time. But AA and BB disagree. AA cited many survey data provided by socio-economists to prove the fact the time spent by full time home women does not reduce. BB self conducts a survey over the life of fulltime home women over several decades and provides evidence that the workload of the fulltime women’s child, husband decrease, not the workload of women and rise the standard to homework..