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标题: [转帖]北京 8/26 JJ [打印本页]

作者: smart    时间: 2005-8-30 00:22     标题: [转帖]北京 8/26 JJ


(更新 8/27:加了AWA )

虽然考不到目标,但有进步, 和大家分享一点机经 (本人及记性不好), 下月再战:


1) Price of hamburger increased from $1.85 to $2.05, if the price of turkey burger has increased in the same percentage, what is the current cost of turkey burger? The original price of turkey burger is $1.39 number could be wrong

2) 2 teacher and 3 children queue up. There must be one teacher at the beginning and one teacher at the back. 3 children in the middle. How many ways or order?

3) 477.JJ第194 兩個事件A, B概率分別0.50.4,問A不發生,B也不發生的概率的範圍?

4) Xy plane: the name of xy is replaced p, q, a line passed through (0,4) and (4,,0), what is the equation of such line in terms of p and q?

5) DS: The value of house increased x % from 1975 to 1980. The value increased from 1980 to 1985. Ask how much does the value of the house increased? The house was 500,000 In 1975 (forgot the exact number) : i) x + y = a number 2) (1+x/100)(1+y/100) = a number

6) JJ 246、如圖,AB平行CDO為圓心,BC通過O,半徑是r,問三角OAB面積

7) A seller bought 100 apple at $0.20 each. He sold 75 of them in a pack of 3, $1 per pack. The rest $0.5 each. Average profit for each applie.

8) DS: 7 consecutive integer, how many of them divided by 6. i) the median is 12. ii) the mean is divisible by 6 (old JJ but modified)

9) A and B use x hours to finish 1000 piece. A use 5/3x hours to finished 1000 piece alone. Ask how long take B to finish 1000 piece

10) 380.JJ113

11) (12.?? * 10^15) – (4.?? * 10^14) = 7.?? * 10^x Ask: what is X. (?? = number I forget… totally forget all number – but similar problem)

12) DS: Is X+Y prime? i) X is a even prime number 2Y is between 10 to 19

13) DS: Student major in MIS has to take prerequisites class. 20 of them took account. Some need to take Computer Science. How many of them took both? 1) There are 50 students 2) All the student took at least one prerequisite class.

14) {number} represent the least integer that is greater than the number. {x/2}= 0. Which of the following is the positive value of x? Choices are -3/2, -3. others are all positive.


V 很惨。。。。 5555 要努力


1)有关黑人北移一学者认为他们退出工会的原因, 但另一学者指出还有其他因素 (文章34: )

2)文章38: 关于大脑储存信息的机制.第一段: GP 发现大脑的不同SUBREGION 负责处理不同的信息. 这与STANDARD 观点不同. 传统观点人为大脑的EXECUTIVE INFORMAITON CENTER 管理信息处理. 第二段: 有个新实验,证实GP的观点正确.
question: general purpose, function of second paragraph

其他全忘了。。。没有GWD 55555….


Autumn leaves 那题,问Support


GWD 10-21

GWD-1-29: Another question about “Citing ……A, B, C.., a study has….



AWA 题是:

AI: Manger who dividing work into smaller pieces is most efficient. Discuss

AR: 有一家餐厅, 搬到新的地点, 现在celebrate 2 years anniversary. 所以Author 说这餐厅生意很好。 以前的地点不好, 餐厅搬走以后已经有3 家点搬进去: 美容店、理发店、xx 店。 所以新位置比旧位置要好。。。。

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