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标题: GWD-13-31-伤脑筋的题,讨论讨论 [打印本页]

作者: echodancing    时间: 2012-5-22 07:09     标题: GWD-13-31-伤脑筋的题,讨论讨论

By competing with rodents for seeds, black ants help control rodent populations that pose a public health risk.
a very aggressive species of blank ant, the Loma ant, which has
recently invaded a certain region, has a venomous sting that is often
fatal to humans.
Therefore, the planned introduction into that region of ant flies, which prey on Loma ants, would benefit public health.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

Ant flies do not attack black ants other than Loma ants.

B     Loma ants are less effective than many bird species in competing with rodents for seeds.

C      Certain other species of black ants are more effective than Loma ants in competing with rodents for seeds.

D    The sting of Loma ants can also be fatal to rodents.

E     The use of pesticides to control Loma ants could have harmful effects on the environment.



我认为C说的是这么回事:Loma争抢seeds的效果比不上其他black ants,又由于competing seeds决定了rodent population, 所以Loma在抑制rodent population上发挥的作用不重要。
于是把引入ant flies杀掉Loma,不会影响对于rodent population的控制效果。于是C也strenthen了原文。



作者: zhangfan90    时间: 2012-5-22 19:48

我觉得A只是把原文which prey on Loma ants给重复了一下,并没有递进一部。因为原文并没有说ant flies 会杀掉其他的black ants

而C重复了原文的意思还递进了一下, 说明杀掉Loma ants对于抑制rodent population更没什么影响,加强了原文
作者: danielgc    时间: 2012-5-23 06:25

有点晕了 难道说C是错在certain和比较上? 一些其他品种比Loma要更有竞争力并没有否定掉Loma的竞争力?也许Loma还是有竞争力的,只是没有其中的一部分(可能很少)的品种的竞争力大?
作者: hilanjingling    时间: 2012-5-23 21:55

作者: a514116402c    时间: 2012-5-25 20:56

A就是bible说的那种选项 eliminate 其他的gap
因为你在读的时候应该会想到 这个flies要杀这个毒蚂蚁 那杀不杀其他的蚂蚁呢?
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