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标题: 请教如何写statement of research interest [打印本页]

作者: jokngin    时间: 2005-8-17 10:38     标题: 请教如何写statement of research interest

大家好,我现在在申请香港大学的商学院,他们要求写一个statement of research interest,我想请教写过这个东西的兄弟姐妹,希望能给我一点意见如何写。

这个是和ps一样吗? 要不要写个人介绍呢? 大概要写点什么东西呢


作者: jrrick    时间: 2005-8-17 11:34

no, just focus on the research area in which you are interested in and research project, if any, which you undertake. Please be specific and concrete. BTW, what's your research interest?

作者: yingjiu    时间: 2005-8-17 13:56

我觉得这种ps最头疼了,比较容易露馅。对于一般本科生来说,没有特别的研究经历,很难对自己的研究兴趣讲出什么高深的见解来,有的学校还要你讲你想怎么个研究法。说得简单一点,一段话不到100字就说完了。往多了说只能在why it interests you上多说几句,感觉也属于废话。想知道specific是要到什么程度?

作者: starryshen    时间: 2005-8-17 17:16

yes, it is difficult if you do not have previous research experience. But if you intend to apply for research degree such as MPhil or DPhil, at least in UK, you should specify your research interest. Reading some literature in the same field as you interested in, you may have some ideas. The buttom line is you SHOULD have a clear idea about which fields, such as Real Option, Corporate Finance, Derivative Pricing, Non-linear time series in Finance area.

I hope what i said above can help.

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