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标题: OG12 语法第3题求助。 谢谢了。 [打印本页]

作者: aeolusero二    时间: 2012-3-21 07:26     标题: OG12 语法第3题求助。 谢谢了。

Although various eighteenth-and nineteenth- century American poets had professed an interest in Native American poetry and had pretended to imitate Native American forms in their own works, until almost 1900, scholars and critics did not begin seriously to study traditional Native American poetry in native languages.

(a) until almost 1900, scholars and critics did not begin seriously to study
(b) until almost 1900 scholars and critics had not begun seriously studying
(c) not until almost 1900 were scholars and critics to begin seriously to study
(d) it was not almost until 1900 when scholars and critics began to seriously study
(e) it was not until almost 1900 that scholars and critics seriously began studying

这道题目正确答案是E。 但是里面有点我不是很明白的是E选项里面的It在这里面指代的是什么? 哪位大虾知道的可否指点一下小弟。 谢谢了

作者: veralove3271    时间: 2012-3-21 19:46

作者: alancuing    时间: 2012-3-22 06:49

it 就是指代that主语从句啊
作者: zhanghappy    时间: 2012-3-23 06:59

若it做形式主语,只能指代不定式to do和that从句
作者: bobchowz    时间: 2012-3-30 06:47

这题选项C的解释:the sequence of infinitives( to begin seriously to study) is awkward and wordy. 请教一下,是不是因为此处连用两个不定式的缘故,所以认为是Awkward的啊?

D:的解释:not almost until is nonsensical sequence of modifier.也不是很理解


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