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标题: 向英国的前辈请教 [打印本页]

作者: financier-750    时间: 2005-7-19 09:42     标题: 向英国的前辈请教

各位前辈: 我的gmat是在英国考的,只有610,雅思考了7.5,ACCA 6月毕业的; 想申请LBS 和CITY CASS BUSINESS SCHOOL,的MSC IN FINANCE 课程。如果12月重考GMAT,申请会不会晚了。。。。

作者: johncheng    时间: 2005-7-19 10:37

if you got no at least two year finance working experience before. you don't need to waste time in application for LBS.

Also for MiF students of LBS, the average GMAT score is about 700

作者: kieyl    时间: 2005-7-19 14:09

should be ok. you really need a higher GMAT score

作者: financier-750    时间: 2005-7-21 09:31


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