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标题: 牛津大学MBA居然要求GPA>=3.5?! [打印本页]

作者: chiuly    时间: 2005-7-11 08:49     标题: 牛津大学MBA居然要求GPA>=3.5?!

牛津大学MBA居然要求GPA>=3.5?! 而且发了几次mail都没有回复,申请体验太差了。妈的,凭我GPA86, GMAT>720, P&G工作4年的经历,真不想申请这种烂校了。 大家有同感吗?

作者: highgmat    时间: 2005-7-11 09:46

yes, that's true. They are very demanding in acedemic background.
Besides, they don't accept my toefl score, as my toefl score will be expired at the time that the program starts.
作者: Errick    时间: 2005-7-11 10:39


作者: dreamtousa    时间: 2005-7-11 10:49

GPA86 GMAT>720, P&G 4 years. So what? thousands people have similar background. I see several people with GPA4.0 and GMAT>750 around. International companies several years. If you are chinese student with GMAT < 700, then just do not dream of entering into top schools. the 700 is only entrance line. Said is certainly a good school. The only thing because it is young does not mean it is not a top school.

作者: watergate    时间: 2005-7-11 11:48

有硬性指标的学校一般都很难做TOP 10. 它们需要GPA, GMAT 拉名次. 感觉不好还是不要申请了, 毕竟要花很多钱. 买卖婚姻, 你就应该挑个猛一看还可以的, 不然后悔就没有救了!

作者: kieyl    时间: 2005-7-11 14:53

"GPA >=3.5 " is not necessary. This requirement is only for PhD or Master applicants, Not for MBA applicants.

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