15. Health Department statistics demonstrate
that children reading high on glucose with
family histories of diabetes are twice as likely
as the general population to develop diabetes.
A. reading high on glucose with family
histories of diabetes
B. with high glucose readings whose families
have a history of diabetes
C. with high glucose readings and who have
a diabetic history in the family
D. having high glucose readings and also
having histories of diabetes in their
E. with a history of diabetes running in
the family and with high glucose
答案是B,我选E。请大牛帮我分析E相对于B错在哪?顺便帮我翻译一下句子意思,多谢了!!!!!!!!!!!作者: edwinwos 时间: 2012-2-12 10:17
自己顶一下作者: edwinwos 时间: 2012-2-12 10:18
. Archeological excavations of Roman ruins on
the Greek island of Crete show that securing
control over the maritime trade routes of the
Eastern Mediterranean was a primary goal of
the Romans, as it was of the Greeks in
preceding centuries.
A. as it was of the Greeks
B. like that of the Greeks
C. as that of the Greeks
D.just as the Greeks did
E. as did the Greeks
答案是A,问一下为什么说B,C的that没有指代作者: LoveY 时间: 2012-2-12 19:55
窃以为:E主要的问题就是不简洁。尤其是那个history of diabetes (running in the family),完全可以将family置于history前作定语,表达同样的意思。
翻译:卫生部门的数据显示,有糖尿病史的家庭里葡萄糖指数过高的儿童患病的几率是普通人群的两倍。(但我觉得没必要翻译……)作者: LoveY 时间: 2012-2-12 19:56