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标题: RPI叫我转MBA,纠结ing... [打印本页]

作者: tofreesky    时间: 2012-1-4 06:52     标题: RPI叫我转MBA,纠结ing...


I wanted to touch base with you on your RPI application for MS FERA.  Since you are such an excellent candidate, I was wondering if you had considered our full time MBA program with a concentration in FERA?  You would have the same classes as the MS FERA but you would have MBA core classes.  We also have financial scholarships available for the full time MBA.
If you are interested in changing to the Full Time MBA program, just send me an email.   Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Warm Regards,
Laurie Beach
MBA/MS Admissions

真心不想读MBA,一是自己对管理没兴趣,二是毕业基本就是回国。申的Financial Engineering and Risk Analysis.
求建议...   是不是要回邮件坚持申FERA呢?或者拿点小奖去读MBA。
作者: Isabella1006    时间: 2012-1-4 21:12

呵呵 他只是说MBA有奖学金机会
如果真的对MBA没兴趣 就坚持原来的选择呗
作者: liulu007    时间: 2012-1-8 06:44


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