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标题: 这样的条件申请英国的LBS,可否 [打印本页]

作者: chelkei    时间: 2005-6-18 09:59     标题: 这样的条件申请英国的LBS,可否

求助:这样的条件申请英国的LBS,可否 13 Years work experience former general manager and chairman of a medium -sized company gmat 690 toelf: at least 620 bachelor 这样的条件申请英国的LBS,OXFORD,CAMBRIDGE 的MBA可否成功

作者: dreamtousa    时间: 2005-6-18 10:15

可能LBS,你要慎重,CAM和OX,你应该可以拿下。LBS,毕竟一生只有一次机会。但总来说,你的条件已经很好了,但GMAT如果更高,就更好。好好做材料吧。 说个例子,你参考一下,我忘了在哪看到的。现在CITIGROUP中国的一个高管,那个LADY是上海财经毕业,好象是HSBC一年,三菱银行5年,然后去了LBS,现在回来在CITIGROUP。

作者: watergate    时间: 2005-6-18 10:46

First, if the company in the original post is a state-owned or unknown company, it will be a very hard case to sell regardless of your title. It’s a KNOWN fact that top business schools prefer people from famous foreign consulting companies or multinational conglomerates. In other words, it’s very important to have experience working in a recognized and respected international working environment. Coincidently, most of the candidates with this kind of background have better English communication skills as well. Second, no, LBS isn’t much better than Oxford or Cambridge. Take O for example; when you compare the vital things, such as employment statistics, student quality, faculty quality, and brand name, Oxford is not behind in any of the above. Sure, LBS is currently ranked higher and is more recognized among employers mainly due to its longer history.

作者: highgmat    时间: 2005-6-18 11:24


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