标题: Cleveland State University (Ohio)—Master of Labor Relations & HR [打印本页] 作者: 小樱 时间: 2011-7-18 17:08 标题: Cleveland State University (Ohio)—Master of Labor Relations & HR
Note: The GRE is changing! Fall 2011 applicants should take the GRE before August 1, 2011.
See the GRE web site at http://www.ets.org/gre for more information.
The principal objective of the Master of Labor Relations and Human Resources (MLRHR) degree program is to help graduates begin careers, or advance their careers, in human resources and labor relations. Specific objectives of the program include:
Providing education in the fundamental principles of human resources and labor relations. Providing a better understanding of human resource data and its use in such areas as testing, program evaluation, selection, and survey research. Providing an awareness of the political and legal environments in which human resource and labor relations systems function.
Providing an interdisciplinary perspective of the field.
The program is designed to accommodate working students, with courses regularly offered during evening hours. While a majority of enrollees are part-time students taking courses in the evening, the program enrolls many full-time students who normally take three to four semesters to complete the degree.作者: 小樱 时间: 2011-7-18 17:09
Prerequisite Courses
Students must demonstrate proficiency in statistics, economics, and organizational behavior. This proficiency must be demonstrated through prior course work with a grade of C or better taken within the past ten years prior to admittance. Students lacking relevant prior course work are required to take one or more of the following courses or their equivalents:
ECN 503 Economic Concepts (3 credits)
MLR 501 Management and Organizational Behavior (3 credits)
OSM 503 Statistical Methods for Business Decisions (3 credits)
A student may be admitted without such course work, but must remove the deficiency within the first two semesters. Students who do not remove the deficiency are not permitted to enroll for further course work.作者: 小樱 时间: 2011-7-18 17:09
Required Core Courses (21 credits)
The following are required for all MLRHR students:
MLR 522 Labor Law (3 credits)
MLR 531 Employment Practices Law (3 credits)
MLR 601 Human Resources Management and Labor Relations (3 credits)
MLR 602 Advanced Wage and Employment Theory (3 credits)
MLR 640 Performance Appraisal, Compensation, and Benefits (3 credits)
MLR 641 Employment Planning, Personnel Selection, and Training (3 credits)
MLR 651 Collective Bargaining (3 credits)作者: 小樱 时间: 2011-7-18 17:09
Elective Courses (12 credits)
Students select an additional twelve credit hours to complete the requirements for the degree. Elective course selections must be made with the consent of the student’s program advisor. Two elective courses must be at the 600 level.
Electives offered within the Department of Management and Labor Relations include the following:
MLR 504 Organizational Theory and Design (3 credits)
MLR 511 Labor History (3 credits)
MLR 521 Comparative Labor Systems (3 credits)
MLR 523 Labor Relations in Public Employment (3 credits)
MLR 555 Labor-Management Cooperative Practices (3 credits)
MLR 577 Managerial Skill Development (3 credits)
MLR 604 Interpersonal Relations and Group Dynamics (3 credits)
MLR 605 Organizational Development (3 credits)
MLR 607 Total Quality Management/Continuous Quality Improvement (4 credits)
MLR 645 Human Resource Info Systems (3 credits)
MLR 686 Current Problems in Management and Labor Relations (3 credits)
MLR 690 Professional Internship (1-3 credits)
MLR 698 Independent Study (1-3 credits)作者: 小樱 时间: 2011-7-18 17:10
Electives offered outside of the department include, but are not limited to such courses as:
Summer 2011
MLR 577 Managerial Skills
MLR 604 Interpersonal Relations & Group Dynamics (Leadership and Interp. Effectiveness)
MLR 686 International HRM
MLR 690 Internship
MLR 698 Independent Study
HCA 555 Analysis of Health Care Markets
ALD 605 Psych of the Adult Learner
ALD 646 HRD for Adult Educators
ALD 664 Instructional Principles for Adult Learners
COM 544 Mediation and CB Problem Solving
PAD 630/NAL 630 Public HRM
PSY 551 Diagnosing Diversity in Orgs ***note different schedule for Diversity courses
PSY 552 Assessing, Measuring and Evaluating Diversity
PSY 553 Facilitation of Diversity Issues作者: 小樱 时间: 2011-7-18 17:10
Fall 2011
MLR 504 Org Theory and Design
MLR 577 Managerial Skills
MLR 587 International Management
MLR 604 Interpersonal Relations & Group Dynamics (Leadership and Interp Effectiveness)
MLR 605 Organizational Development
MLR 690 Internship
MLR 698 Independent Study
HCA 511 Decision Models and Statistics for Health Care Managers
HCA 515 Medical Care Organization
HCA 516 Seminar in Health Care Policy & Quality (not listed for Fall; tentative; interested students should contact Dr. Mahoney)
HCA 555 Analysis of Health Care Market
PSY 511 Univariate Statistics
PSY 518 Personnel Psychology
ALD 605 Psychology of the Adult Learner
ALD 645 Organizational Behavior & Change (different than basic OB course)
ALD 663 Program Planning
COM 544 Mediation and CB Problem Solving
PSY 514 Foundations of Diversity Management (2 credits) Note Diversity course schedule
PSY 515 Group Dynamics and Diversity
PSY 516 Social Psychological Foundations of Diversity
PSY 630 Diversity Issues in Human Resource Management
PAD 572 Negotiation & Conflict Management
PAD 630 Public HRM
Students also may seek approval for a course that meets their career needs, yet is not on the list. Prerequisite and/or waivable courses may not be used to satisfy elective credit.作者: 小樱 时间: 2011-7-18 17:10
The MLR department’s full-time faculty members represent a broad range of academic and professional backgrounds. Our faculty’s areas of expertise include:
Human Resource Management
Labor Relations
Organizational Behavior
Strategic Management
Decision Making
Interpersonal Relations
Equal Opportunity
International Management作者: 小樱 时间: 2011-7-18 17:10
How to Apply
Students applying to the MLRHR program apply to the College of Graduate Studies. They will be required to take either the GMAT or GRE exam and submit results before being considered for admission. However, MLRHR applicants are not required to submit letters of recommendation.
Applicants to the MLRHR program must meet the Admission Requirements for the Graduate College, as well as the Admission Requirements for the MLRHR program.
Applicants should adhere to the detailed application procedure and recommended application schedule as outlined on the Graduate College Web site.
Applicants should note that GMAT test registration forms and fees must be received by the Educational Testing Service at least three weeks before the testing day selected. The GMAT test is given continuously throughout the year. Information and applications may be obtained from the CSU Testing Center, room UC 253b, (216) 687-2272. Alternatively, you may contact GMAT at 1-800-717-GMAT or visit their web site at http://www.mba.com/mba/TaketheGMAT.作者: 小樱 时间: 2011-7-18 17:11
Graduate Assistantships
The College of Business Administration and the MLR Department have a limited number of Graduate Assistantships available each year. Because the MLR Department houses its own Master’s Program (the MLRHR), preference for assistantships available within the Department is given to MLRHR students. MLR Department Graduate Assistantships are based on merit, not need. Students with high undergraduate grades and superior admissions test scores are invited to inquire well in advance of enrollment about the availability of positions beginning the semester they start the MLRHR. Assistantshiips are renewable semester by semester based upon satisfactory performance of assistant duties. The assistantships carry a stipend and provide in state tuition for 9 graduate credit hours per semester. Those who are granted Assistantships are assigned to work 20 hours per week with professors within the department. To begin the application process, please contact our Department Chair, Dr. Timothy DeGroot, at t.degroot@csuohio.edu.作者: 小樱 时间: 2011-7-18 17:11
For more Information
Please contact the Department of Management & Labor Relations for more information.
Phone: (216) 687-4754
Fax: (216) 687-4708
E-mail: t.degroot@csuohio.edu
MLRHR Program
Department of Management & Labor Relations
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, BU 433
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
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