; capital system(4)
一段capital system in us fuction unsatisfactory.both in the external(direct captial choose company) and internal( board of directive choose project) .EXTERNL 方面:compared with Germany who invest only several stock and know invested public company thoroughly, us invester have a large variety of stock and thus make them know little about the company invested and myopia to short-term profit rather than long term.
二段 INTERNAL方面, board of director 注意短期利益 忽略长期利益表现在项目的选择上.
美国外部资本体系的体现,以及内部资本依此而产生的影响.(这篇以前没见过,所以多说几句)由于美国的资本分散于许多家上市公司,在每家公司上所占的比例很小,因此,这些资本趋向于谋求短期利益.同时投资者对于其所投资的公司相对缺乏了解.而德国的资本体系却正好相反,资金相对比较集中与数量较少的公司,故德国的投资者更关心公司的长期发展,对这些公司也相对了解. 正是由于这种差别,在美国公司的内部所表现出来的对于这些资金的运用也更趋向于谋求短期的收益,以便增加其在资金市场上的吸引力.(对于内部资金的问题,文章并没有举别的国家的例子进行对比).
US Capital investment— outer capital investment and inter capital investment
a. 主题题
b. 问德国的投资者没有依据下述那种情况作出投资决策?选项有:与被投资公司的熟悉程度、被投资公司的长期竞争力等等,我选的是“被投资公司的大小”。
c. 问文章最后一段(即介绍inter capital investment)的作用? 我选a. supply a parallel … to 说明 文章的观点。
; expanding of banking(2)
版本一:在美国对于expanding of banking 这件事情有两派不同的观点。第二段讲了一个某城市banking expanding 的例子。调和了这两派的观点,说他们都有对的地方,但是都未说到本质问题。
; 东东与池塘
一种东东住在permanent water pond(一年四季长年不断水的塘PW),也住在fresh water pond(时干时有水的塘FW)一般设想,FW里的composition of 东东的community应该是PW里的东东品种齐全才对,研究发现,恰恰相反FW里的东东比PW的东东齐全的多。研究又发现东东在成熟以前,又一段the most important development time. 此时如水干了的话,要影响它的survive
FW里的东东,由于predator少,彼此间的竞争for resources比ability to survive from praetors 重要的多,相反的,FW里的东东由于太多predator 躲开 predator的铺杀能力比竞争能力for resources 要重要。
FW里的东东由于必须竞争for recouses,所以生存下来的都是具有超强生存能力的,加上predator又少,所以数量品种反而越来越多。
; cross breed
Fertilizer and pestcide can hardly boost agreculture pruductivity any more. The curren strains have reached their production limit. Before, scientist use cross breed to find good strains. But because of the drastic dispearing of many of the world's agreculture plant species, such method is less useful today, because plants with similar gentics are hard to cross breed.
but scientists are now finding that diversity of wild wheat is still great, so research should focus more on wild wheat and to find productive and anti-pest traits, and so on...
; working memory
working memory是指人脑内的一片用来储存临时信息的区域,通常认为在人脑的PT部分,但是一个学者RM作了一个实验,发现PT部分又分为不同的子区域,分别用来存储不同类型的信息,并且PT内excute system负责组织这些信息,并分配到相应的子区域,这与以前的观点不同,以前的观点认为PT只有储存功能,负责组织信息的区域在PT以外的部分, 然后有一个MRI的实验证明了新观点
; 尋找金礦(3)
版本一: 關于尋找金礦的兩种理論。一种是金子本身形成于地底,然后上升到离地表較近的地方。另一种是金子由于外力作用被轉移到現在所在處。
版本二: GOLD MIND,两中方法,作者同意由地下水带来的观点,因为该地的金总是和铁在一起。文章简单,短45。 但问题搞。一问文章CONCERN。有两个选项,1。DISCREDIT ONE THEORY 2。PRESENT THE NATURE OF TWO THEORIES。感觉上文章是证明一中方法正确而另一种错误,因此1 2 都不完全,痛苦之下选2。 也可能其他3项我理解错误。另一题,以下那项正确,多个选项都象,(应该有微小差别,但没时间细看),最后选了该地的铁矿较容易勘测。费时不少。
版本三:gold mine: 在river peddle中的问题(也是JJ不过我实在没时间好好看)
; 狩猎行为
好想是一种狩猎行为与游戏和cooperation 的关系。
N 文化用龟甲占卜,一种狩猎行为与游戏和cooperation 的关系。
; 南极陨石(2)
南极陨石中的有机物质的残余分析;a group of researchers proposed that there is living organism on Mars based on the substances PHQ they found. others rebutted with these reasons: the same substance exists on earth for as long as 13000 years ago and this substance could be create through nonbiological process.
; 减地增产量
Government or something plan to introduce advance technology and the usage of pertiside to help the environment by reduce new cropland and increase productivity. But found that this knowledge doesn't work well among people with ample land especially a group of tribe that live in remote area. the researchers also found that strong kin-ties as well as the length of their residence is indicator of how well they accept the above mentioned idea..something like that.
this passage is medium long but with questions like critical reasoning , long and twisting
Government or something plan to introduce advance technology and the usage of pesticide to help the environment by reduce new cropland and increase productivity. But found that this knowledge doesn't work well among people with ample land especially a group of tribe that live in remote area. The researchers also found that strong kin-ties as well as the length of their residence is indicator of how well they accept the above mentioned idea. Something like that.
This passage is medium long but with questions like critical reasoning , long and twisting
版本一:公司为吸引老顾客并回报老顾客的项目不会有成效,原因是最近研究表明,只有大概10%的所谓忠诚顾客会坚持购买某品牌产品,但买也买的特少,而这10%的人中多数又都在一年以内换买其他牌子。 第二段说那种项目的支持者可能会争论道:毕竟拉拢老顾客的成本比较小。(还争论了些东东,没用)。但是,作者认为-------------------------。
一题问所谓忠诚顾客有什么特征,选not heavy buyers of one brand product.
一题问第二段的function,选address some arguments presented by the advocates of the project.
找钻石 前大牛有提,补充一题 问G10与其它同类GARMENT物质有何区别文中未提. 我选A LEVEL OF OXCIDE
版本一:美国各州对印第安原住民使用两种政策, 一种是同化政策, 一种是自主政策. 同化政策原住民土地归州所有, 原著民承担公民义务责任. 自主政策是原著民保存自己的土地和相对自主权, 政府的角色是提供贷款和其他支持等. 州政府大部分希望使用同化政策, 而联邦政府选择了自主政策是因为印第安原著民对同化政策的反对以及印第安文化确实值得保留
1. 没有采用同化政策是因为: 印第安原著民反对
2. 哪个是自主政策下可能出现情况: 选政府提供杀虫技术,
版本三:An Indian tribe won the right of a river runs by its tribe reserve through a federal court battle. Even though the original treaty between tribe and federal gov only grant the right of the land to the tribe reserve, the right of the river was not mentioned in the treaty, the court still decide the tribe should have the right of the river because, under the spirit of the orginal reserver treaty, the federal government intended ot let tribe make effective use of the land, and the river water is the cruicial factor to make such effective use possible. From this court case, in 196x, a federal court made a FORMal guiding rules to direct all related Indian water resouce dispute: 1)... 2)... 3)... 4).... (sorry, it's really hard to understand those legel sentence, they are not English!!!!) The application of those rules encountered many more problems. one of them is in Colorado, tribe C. Tribe C derived from a Indian nation that FORMed in 16XX, at which the US federal goverment not even existed. And later, US federal goverment implicitly acknowledged its exist and right to the land, but there is no treaty been ever signed to legalize such acknowledgement. Some people thus challenge the court rules can not apply ot tribe C, bla, bla, bla... But because x, y, z... the court still granted the full right of water resource to tribe C.
Discrimination to woman(2)
版本一:Discrimination to woman存在两种学派MODEL, DEFFICIT MODEL & DIFFERENT MODEL. 两者非互相排斥. KICK-ACTION MODEL 结合了两者, 问题有1. 主题题型, 2. IN ORDER TO 题型 作者在22-24行提及DEFFICIENT MODEL 及DIFFERENCE MODEL 是为了. 3. 作者会赞同何种INSTITUTIONAL POLICY
版本二:75 line women, discrimination on science field, model1, model2 ( question: what is the use of the model?), however, discrimination is evitable based on current situation...
Sloth bear in India has cub carrying habit. Other similar species in other region(like Americas)
don't. Biologist thought it's because sloth bear cub is physically weaker than others, but x, y, z reasons, it is not because of that.
Some observed that brown bear is as likely irragated as sloth bear.(A question will ask common trait here) Some think, cub carrying is to avoid predatory. Because in other regions, cub can climb tree to avoid prdatory, but in India, both elephant and leapord can overrun the tree sloth bear climb. In India, the favorate eating place of sloth bear is the field with high grass. This also suggest cub carrying is to avoid predatory.
***a. What’s the difference between Sloth Bear and Blown Bear?我选两者evolve 的环境不一样。
***b. 文章末尾有一细节,为了支持cup-bearing是处于防御predator的需要,该派学者进一步提出一证据:在进化中,cup 养成一习惯,即一见到敌人, 马上跳到母熊背上。此处出了一道题,但具体题目不记得了
版本一:第一段: 科学家很早就认为火星上有生命存在 (这句有题). 有一个科学家叫McKinsey根据这个理论组织了一个小组研究从火星上掉下的行星碎片或化学物质AHL8400, 并得出了什么结论. 并认为这些物质衰退后, 都进入了PHA (一个物质的缩写, PHA有题).
第二段: 有两个科学家对此理论提出了不同的反对意见. McKinsey对次一一进行了反驳.
版本二:Before the spacecrapt XXXX explore Mars, few theory were given to describe the Mars geology. One of scientist Y propose that is FORMation of the Mars geology is because of plate movement. The geology of Mars has many similarity to the ridges and lines of Atlantic bottom, and those ridges are explained by plate movement theory. because mars geology geometry assemble that of Atlantic sea bed, so Y can conclude that plate movement is also Mars reason. But another scientist M propose differently. beaus X, Y, Z. But at one point, he also have agree with a implication Y's theory make.
*** 如何支持某一反对派的观点(该观点认为,火星陨石上的PH8是因为陨石长期埋在地球里,而从地球上沾上的;但支持观点认为研究表明PH8在陨石中的condensation 有里而外逐步增加。)答案:E PH8在陨石中的condensation 有里而外逐步减少。
U.S. auto company
U.S. auto company change their strategy because the changes in industry after 1980, vertical strategy no longer useful as before since U.s. supplier not as competitive as foreign counterpart.( why have to change? )