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标题: 托福独立写作 [打印本页]

作者: myice    时间: 2011-6-30 14:02     标题: 托福独立写作

Its not often a good thing to move to a new city because of the loss of friends 2009.10.31

for successful development of a country,the government should foucs its budget more on young children education than on college education
. 2

the best way to increase the quality of education is to increase teachers salaries


Do you agree that the government should support the scientific research even theres no practical use? 2010.1.30

Agree or disagree? If child want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies 2010.3.20. 5

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and televisions should always show audience good people are being rewarded and bad people are being punished.2009.10.17. 6

It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life, agree or disagree


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there's no need for the government to help them. 2010.3.20

If you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, you will use e-mail or text messaging, OR use the telephone or voice-messaging.. 8

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:All high-school students should take basic economic courses.
. 9

People holding different views cannot achieve success as a team. 2010.2.13. 12

Which is better, challenging plans about one's future or practical plans about one's future? 2010.3.6

作者: myice    时间: 2011-6-30 14:02

It’s not often a good thing to move to a new city because of the loss of friends 2009.10.31

In my opinion,although I may take the risk of losing some old friends for moving to a new city,I will also have more opportunities to make more new friends.

My job required a lot of
travels between Beijing and other major cities of China.I may wake up in my rented apartment in Beijing in the morning but go to bed in a hotel in Shanghai later in the evening.Not surprisingly ,people assumed that I can not have many friends since I had neither time to socialize nor a stable social circle.They are wrong,however.While I keep in touch with most of my old friends,I meet a lot of new friends —friends that are stable.My social circle is not shrinking due to the loss of friends,but expanding because of my chance to meet a lot of new people. In fact,my
colleagues in different cities,people I met during an airflight,and even people who live in the same hotel with me can all be my potential friend.How do I manage to accomplish this seemingly impossible task?

First,modern technology faciliates me to keep in close touch with my old friends even though we live in separate cities.For example,I can either make a phone call to my friend or chat with them on the internet.Moreover,we can browse each others facebook pages to share the latest news in our life.On the other hand,I enjoy making friends with people I meet in my life.Because I am willing to share my views with other people and discuss social issues about which are generally concerned by the public.Once, when I was on a flight journey,a beautiful lady sat next to me.I initiated a conversation about the air ticket fee raise.We found the same language and complained about the air company.The journey was really fun.Moreover,we are now good friends and she visits my facebook page everyday.

Overall,moving to new places is not as formidable as many would assume.I am quite experienced in this:first,don’t forget your old friends,contact them frequently and show your real care for them.Also,if you can open your heart and treat others frankly,you will make a lot of new friends.

作者: myice    时间: 2011-6-30 14:03

for successful development of a country,the government should foucs its budget more on young children education than on college education

Obviously ,children education,or primary school education,serves completely different purpose from college education.Whereas children education fosters young generations’ interest in science and arts,promotes their learning skills and helps them develop consistent value systems,college education dedicates to cultivate experts and elites of the future.Therefore,for successful development of a country,the government should spend more of its budget on college education.

In fact,children education can be divided into two parts—t he school education and parental guide.While children attend lessons in school,they receive even more education from their parents who accompany them all the time after school.With few sophisticated labotary equipments but more rudimentary/basic facility such as projectors and viedo players,primary schools need no big investment,thus requiring comparatively less government funding.Not to mention parental guide,this family activity demands no government funding at all.

On the contrary,college education is expensive.Hiring teaching staff especially prominent professors,introducing sophisticated laboratory equipments,providing students with high-tech amenities such as library and lecture hall,all these critical factors that contributes to the quality of college education cost vast amounts of money.Although college fees are soaring,they still can’t cover all these expenses without government support.In fact,The government has addressed this issue and generously increased its college education investment.Imagine the days when 20 students had to share 5 computers in a computer science class,they would envy us who now each owns a laptop in class.And this progress must largely attributes to the government’s resolution to foster competitive generations for the country’s future.

Overall,future competition between countrys is becoming more and more fierce,and focus on technology and inovation.Children education is important,yet college education is crucial to a country’s success.

作者: myice    时间: 2011-6-30 14:03

the best way to increase the quality of education is to increase teacher’s salaries

What are the deciding/major contributing factors in a well-rounded education?This has been a contentious issue.Among the various answers,however,the stength of teaching squad is beyond debate.Then the answer to how to increase the quality of our education becomes obvious:Better teaching staff,better education.Unfortunately,another question arises with this apparent answer:how to increase the ability of the schools’ teaching staff?As far as I am concerned,Enhancing their salary levels is a good,yet far from the best,measure. this measure also suffers risks that it may turn out to be counterproductive.

Teachers are playing an increasingly important role in school education today.They are not only involved in trational class teaching and aftercalss research,but also serves as role models of students,especially teenagers.Their teaching capability and ethical standards are crucial to students academic progress and mental development.Frankly speaking, many teachers deserve a better income which will satisfy their personal needs as well as stimuate them to further improve their job performance.

However,I see no correlation between income level (as long as it is adequate) and teaching abilities.On the contrary,the motive to pursue a high income will sometimes distract teachers form their work and obligations.For example,If a college professor,in pursuit for money and fame(higher fame means higher salary) ,attends too many public affairs to tout his newly published book or frequently appears in TV programs,he will ignore his responsibility for tutoring students and no longer focus on research project.And the college’s education quality will thus be damaged.

Besides a salary increase,there are a number of ways to enhance a school’s education quality: introducing competition and performance evaluation system in teaching staff,offering training programs,or orgnizing teachers forums which faciliates discussion and communication among teachers.After all,increasing the teacher’s salary is not the first option since it will also increase the university’s cost.

Overall,Qualified teaching staff can enhance the quality of education.To improve the strength of the teaching staff,the school board has a variety of choices,among which a pay raise is not the priority.

作者: myice    时间: 2011-6-30 14:03

Do you agree that the government should support the scientific research even there’s no practical use? 2010.1.30

Scientific researchs are valuable only if they can finally turn into practical use and solve practical problems.

Before deciding their limited annual budget on science research projects,it is important for the government to make clear their priorities first—on projects that yield practical fruits or on researchs that turn into anything but practical use.
We live in an era when technology brings us,along with unprecedented convinience and comfort,numerous
troubles some of which are even threatening human survival.We are quite familiar with these issues through the meida:Global warming due to green house gas emission,deforestation and animal distinction because of habitat expansion,and frequent breakout of pandemic disease owing to antibiotics abuse,not to mention the surging world population which will demand our agriculture to yield twice as much food anually as it does now to sustain by 2050.yet what we know few about are the solutions to them.

Time is urgent while budget is always tight.The answer to these issues lie in techology innovation.Whereas those scientific researchs that focus on unrealistic problems are no cure for environmental issues,science projects that concentrate on practical use will help human save the earth. For example,research on next generation car engines which use electricity as power will greatly reduce greenhouse gas emmisionrogram that develops new medicines will kill lethal bacterias and save people’s life;Studies on new seed will largely enhance crop survival rate and field production.All these science projects will improve our life quality and require immense governemnt investment.

Overall,unrealistic science study can not directly improve our life.In other words,it is not only a waste of time,but also a huge waste of money.Government need to spend their limited science budget wisely—dedicate most of them to projects that will directly address our current issues.

作者: myice    时间: 2011-6-30 14:03

Agree or disagree? If child want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies 2010.3.20

Students’ academic performance has always been the major concern of all parents.Besides investing increasingly more money and effort in children’s education,parents may also consider limit their access to TV programs or movies,which contain too many violence and adult content and will negatively affect both childrens mental development and school performance.

Watching TV and movies not only occupies students’ time for school assignments,but also gives rise to many social problems.Warning us about the soaring youth crime rate,a recent study by Chinese government reveals a correlation between media violence,especially in TVs and movies,and juvenile crime rate during the past decade.To attract more audiences to increase profit margin,entertainment corporations are incorporating vast adult-oriented elements and illustrating the dark side of the society in their programs.Even some adults complain that many movies and TV programs are insulting.What if our children have unlimited access to these programs after school without parent guide?Obviously,they will be distracted form their school assignments and their mental development will deviate from the correct path.Even worse,they will learn to express their hostile feelings in an aggressive way --a way that induces vandalism and crime.

However,I don’t mean that good academic record and after school entertainment are contradictory.On the contrary,whereas spending too time studying can be counterproductive,allocating adequate time on entertainment such as watching TV and movies can be a relaxation of body and mind,which will in turn benefit children’s school performance.Moreover,some TV programs are speically designed for children and serve educational purpose.Such programs as Discovery Channel which will evoke their interest in science study or cartoons that help children establish consistent value systems will be a good complement to formal school education.

Overall,to help children perform well in school,parents should limit their access to TVs and movies and encourage their children to watch beneficial programs.

作者: myice    时间: 2011-6-30 14:04

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and televisions should always show audience good people are being rewarded and bad people are being punished.2009.10.17

Moives and televisions are major sources of entertainment for most of the people,especially teenagers who bear a strong curiousity about the world outside school and family.While providing them joys and relaxations,these two forms of entertainment carry,at least partly,the responsiblility to educate the younger generation and inform them decent moral principals. Therefore,movies and television programs have the duty to show social justice—the good being rewarded and the bad being punished.

In the first place,popular movie stars are the role models who are admired and imitated by millions of teenager fans.Their behaviors in the movies are regarded by them as guide to their real life act.Parents will be relieved if these movie stars act as a well-behaved people who is rewarded by social justice and the public.What if,however, some law-breaking characters in the movie are not punished or even adversly justified by the author?Obviously,The negative impact on young audiences will be disaterous.In fact, an alarming trend has surged recently when the entertainment industry is enjoying immense economic success--a recent study by Chinese government revealed a correlation between youth crime rates and increasing media violence in the past 10 years.As a result,The chinese government begins to implement stricter censorship on movies.

Also,popular medias play a key role in promoting the ethical standard of the society and influencing the value system of the public.Saturated with excessive violent and ponorgraphic content,some of the
mainstream movies and television programs distort the concepetion of right and wrong,scorn the abidience of laws and advocate for violent solutions to problems
.A strain of critical opinion attribute the moral breakdown of the society to the
misleading entertainment industry.I can’t agree more with them,if the good and bad are treated unfairly in the virtual images,the moral levels of our society will inevitably degrade/corrupt/collapse.

Overall,to protect the mental well-being of younger generations and promote ethical standards of the society,Movies and televisions are obliged to present a theme that is consistent with our value systems—the good being rewarded and the bad being punished.

作者: myice    时间: 2011-6-30 14:04

It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life, agree or disagree

I don’t agree with this statement.In my opinion,all wovies can be,more or less,instructive and beneficial to us.

Movies have become an important means of entertainment for modern people.Whether they are science fiction movies ,historical movies or movies that illustrate modern life,most of them are based on
the prevailing social perspective and are consistent with our current value systems.When going to the theatre to spend a pleasant weekend,we don’t have to be too selective to watch movies which are meant to “teach” us.In fact,all movies can be,more or less,instructive and we are fully justified to choose whatever we like in the movie theatre.

Different movies reflect various aspects of our real life.What we will learn from the movie all depends on how we comprehend these intructive information incorporated within the movies.Some people prefer to watch science fiction movies which not only fulfills their imagination for the future but also evokes their interest in real life science study;some people enjoy historical themes because they find many similarities between historical figure and contemporary people.They find most of the movie characters’ maneuvers still practical in real life;Others,including me,choose to watch movies that illustrate modern life.I discover many novelties from the movies:from basic physics principles in “The big bang theory”to the breathtaking landscape of the mountains in “Vertical limit”.These movies are all “good lessons” encourage us to learn and explore more about our lifes.

However,I must admit that certain movies are designed for educational aims.They are generallymore educative than other movies.For example,many cartoons cater for the needs of children and perform educational functions.Therefore,such children-oriented movies are highly recommended because they are more instructive and are easier to understand.

Overall,watching movie is a means of entertainment/recreation,not a school assignment.our selections of movies depends on our interests.In fact,all movies can be instructive as long as we know how to appreciate them.

作者: myice    时间: 2011-6-30 14:05

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there's no need for the government to help them. 2010.3.20

Government has covered my health insurance,subsidized my primary education and even financed part of my apartment.High inflation,soaring unemployment rate and increasingly more frequent natrual disasters have been a nightmare of all of us.In face of such disasters as hurricane and the WenChuan earthquake,our own effort and generous help from family members pale in comparison to government support.Another still fresh memory is about the catasthrophic Wen Chuan earthquake,which destorys millions of people’s homeland.In the first place,the government reacted quickly and orgnized rescue forces to save the victims.Then,by combining red cross donation from all over the world and government budget,the government invested billions of dollars to help the refugees rebuild their city,a city that is completely new and sprouts up in only two years time.Without immense government support,such miracle has no chance to happen.

However,government support is not a remedy for all headaches.Whereas government cover those big issues,friends and family members will generously lend us a helping a hand with minor problems.If you travel to a new city but find all the hotels full,don’t worry,you may ask your firend in that city for accomodation.If you catch a serious flu, no problem,your family will take good care of you. After all,most of the difficulties in our daily life can be solved without bothering
the government.

Overall,we are coping with various problems everyday and dream for a all-round remedy for them.On the one hand,your friends and family will always back you up as long as they are capable of dealing with the troubles.On the other hand,the government will provide its citizens with great support against greater issues whose solutions are beyond our reach.As far as I am concerned,by embracing both sources of help,people can readily overcome all the obstacles on their way to success.

作者: myice    时间: 2011-6-30 14:05

If you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, you will use e-mail or text messaging, OR use the telephone or voice-messaging.

Discussing controversial problems with my friends have always been one of my worst headaches.Struggling between a wide variety of solutions,I eventually discover E-mail the best remedy for this problem.

First,whereas I am easily affected by emotions of other people and therefore lose focus in the conversation,I could keep calm and thoroughly express my opinions in an e-mail.By revising the phrasing/word choice of the message,I can refine the details and suggest possible solutions to the problem after careful deliberation.Moreover,e-mail can help people as introvert as me avoid many embarrasment that they might encounter during phone conversations.For example,I forget to return 100 dollars you borrowed from my friend but I was too embarassed to make a apologize call.E-mail saved my life.After receiving my sincere apologize in a carefully written e-mail,my frind forgave me and we even became better friends now.

Also,e-mails in written language,as compared to phone conversations,are more formal and polite.

They are especially helpful in dealing with serious problems because they emphasizes the seriousness of the issue as well as give my friends a sense of being respected,which will definitely benefit the problem solving process.

However,e-mail is not a panacea for all the problems.It suffers disadvantages when the problem needs instant solution.We can’t expect our e-mails are instantly received and responded in time.Instead,making a phone call to discuss an emergency seems a better choice.

Overall,I am an introvert and I prefer to write an e-mail to discuss a controversial issue with my friends as long as it is not urgent.When dealing with urgent issues,however,I will unhesitately make a phone call.

作者: myice    时间: 2011-6-30 14:05

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:All high-school students should take basic economic courses.

Are you familiar with these economic terms and concepts:inflation rates,stock exchange,or national deficit?If not,blame your high-school for not offering a basic economic course.In fact,these concepts and terms are no longer far away from us.They are flooding the meida and influence every aspect of our daily life.Therefore,it is important for high-school to offer introductory course about economics,which will absolutely broaden students’ view and benefit their life.

First,basic economic courses can present students some common senses and concepts in economics.What is inflation?What are the negative impacts of inflation in our ordinary life?And then by identifying contributing factors that causes the inflation,the courses can give students a relatively full version of inflation.Students will no longer wonder why 10 dollars make them a “wealthy” boy in the childhood but can hardly buy anything now.

Moreover,basic economic courses can introduce some ways to manage wealth.Although students do not have many financial assets,it is never too early to konw the importance of investing their money wisely.For example,teachers can explain what is a stock market.Why some stocks of some companies such as the Apple and Google keep rising and why some never stop falling.Students are not required to learn the skills in stock exchange,but they can have a basic idea of what factors contribute to the potential of a good company.The concept of asset management will benefit their life in the long run.

Also,economics courses are a good complement to other courses in high-school.A well-rounded education cultivates students’ interests in various subjects and help them find the field which the really want to dedicate to in the future.Therefore,a wide range of courses will contribute to a well-rounded education.

Overall,economics have permeated through every corner of our life.Students should take economic course in high-school because it will broaden their perspect and benefit their life.

作者: myice    时间: 2011-6-30 14:06


Has technology alinated us rather than brough us together?this has been an contentious issue for a long tiem.I am not an advocate of neo-luddism myself.Yet I am concerned that Our society is becoming increasingly technological at the cost of our psychological health and interperonal relationships.

Obviously,we are all enjoying the unprecedented convinience that modern techonology bring us.Need a chat?you don’t need to go to a bar and meet somebody,open your computer,log onto a chatroom!Bored with your work?don’t bother to call out friends who may be busy doing their own stuff to play poker games,a online game will perfectly satisfy your need.But are virtual “friends” in the chatroom real friends with whom you can seriously express your spiritual feelings?Can computer games really provide you the joy that you experience when you play with your school buddies?I don’t think so.however,When I was turned down again by one of my college classmates who said he was engaged in an online game and could spare no time hanging out with me,I realized that technology are alienating us form our friends,collegues,and even our parents.

Can you remember the last time you sit in the garden in one pleasant afternoon,chatting with your old father,helping your mom with some household chores?For many people,it must have been a long time ago. When you try to write “visit my parents tomorrow” in your busy schedule,you may hesitate,and think a phone call instead might be just enough.Modern technology featured by instant communication deters us from the original way of express our feelings and show our carings for others.

Admitedly,technology have made our work ever more efficient and knit the world together in a web of information and phone lines.It makes your friends and parents just a click-of-button away.Those days when peope have to suffer a long time to transmit their message have gone,forever.In spite of that,technology does give rise to new problems,namely,the “spiritual crisis”.Digital Codes are efficient, error free,and also—soulless.As they replace tradional hand written mails and personal visits,they eradicate the emotion and spirit content lay in human communication,thus making us more lonely,spiritually,than ever before.What is more alerting is that young generations,grow up with ipads,blackberries and other high-end electronics,are losing the basic communications skills,which will inevitably hamper their personal development in both schools and workplace.

While enjoying the unprecedented convinience techology bring me,I am aware that I need to look for a bit more balance between technology and life.After all,talking to a virtual friend with keyboards is never as joyful as hanging out with someone whom you can see laugh and cry,talk and smile.

作者: myice    时间: 2011-6-30 14:06



Working for money or work for interest?this has long been a disputable issue.It won’t be an easy task for us to choose between two jobs—one offers a tempting salary,and another provides you with a great job satisfaction.As for me ,I vote for the later---work for interest to gain great job-satisfaction.

Interest makes your job performance better with passion / without interest

Greater job performance leads to more income:elite sports stars such as : Former Brazilian football star Ronaldo,who unprecedentedly won the “FIFA world footballer of the year” award for consecutive 3 years
they begin their career as

While you are working in the field you are greatly interested in, you can not only enjoy great job satisfaction, fullfill your potential,and realize your dreams ,but also are promised with a tempting financial compensation.

作者: myice    时间: 2011-6-30 14:06

People holding different views cannot achieve success as a team. 2010.2.13

I don’t agree with the statement.Although People holding distinctive views may sometimes raise conflict and inharmony in a team,the team can still succeed as long as people in the group,especially leaders,know how to appreciate distinctive views and reconcile them.

According to many prominent business man, diversity is a contributing factor to a successful team.They promote brainstorming in their advisor team to gain insight into an issue.On the contratry,if all people in the team share unanimous ideas,the team’s prospect will be in doubt.The reason is obvious.

First,different views and evoke interactions of different minds and raise helpful discussions. These discussions not only address current issues,but also lead to even better solutions to the problem. For example,the marketing team of a computer company have different opinions about the color design of their laptops.Some argues that the color should be changed to be brighter to attract student customers.Others,based on past experience, insist that the color should be black to emphasize its cutting-edge technology.After several discussions, they reach a reasonable solution:conduct a market research to find out who are the major customers of their product,the students or business man? Contrary to past experience,the survey shows that student coustomers outnumbered work-place users.Thanks to diverse opinions in the team,the company make the right

decision and adopt a more fashionable design.The laptops eventually prove to be a huge success.

On the other hand,consensus in opinions may eliminate useless discussions.What if,however,the overwhealming opinion in the team is wrong?Let’s look at the computer company’s example again:imagine that all people in the marketing team agree to use previous designs which are business-oriented.Obviously,their product will not be welcomed by major consumers---the students and the marketing strategy will turn out to be a big failure.This tragedy can be avoided if the team encourages diversity,respects different opinions, and takes advantage of distinctive views.

Overall,people holding different views in a team can definitely succeed as a team.In fact,distinctive ideas in a team secures its success rather than hindering its development.

作者: myice    时间: 2011-6-30 14:07

Which is better, challenging plans about one's future or practical plans about one's future? 2010.3.6

When I am making plans for the future,I will set high goals to challenge myself because only in this way can I fulfill my potential and enjoy the sweet self-satisfaction after success.

A Challenging plan is an effective impetus in people’s work and study.Unlike practical goals which can be achieved without much effor,a challenging plan sets higher goals and thus stipulates greater dedication and commitment.Although sometimes appearing to be quite ambitious,these goals are not far beyond reach.If we maximize our effort and stimulate our potential,we can achieve the seemingly “impossible” goal.For example,when I played in the football team,I suffered a lot from insufficient stamina,which could only sustain me half of the game time.In summer vacation, I adopted mountain climbing to increase my endurance.My aim is to conquer a mountain of a height about 1000 meters above sea in 1 hour.My teammates regarded it as a crazy idea.They were right at the beginning.In fact, the first time I used 3 hours to complete the mission.However, I did not surrender.The next week I shortened the time to 2.5 hours,and then 2 hours.After a month’s practice,I eventually managed to accomplish the challenge within one hour.This not a very intriguing story,but what is important is the thing I learned from it:If I believe in myself and commit myself to my aims,I can overcome the obstacles and succeed.

Another reason I prefer to set a challenging goal is that it can bring me great self-satisfaction once I have managed to achieve it.Whereas realistic goals always bring about expected results which hardly impress us,a challenging plan yield sweet fruits out of expectation and boost our self-confidence.Here is the end of my mountain climing story:when I finished my stamina trainning and went back to the football team.Everyone was amazed about my improvement.Not surprisingly,My excellent performance in the final won me a lot of credit,and most important,I was satisfied about myself and found all the effort I had paid worthy.This experience was a valuable memory and source of my confidence.

My story is just an ordinary one among numerous success stories.However,I want to demonstrate that a challenging goal is beneficial to our success as long as we stick to it,fulfill our potentials and dedicate real efforts to it.

作者: myice    时间: 2011-6-30 14:07

People should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from their own work.2010.4.10

Although some people assume that people must have work-related hobbies to gain better job performance ,I recommend people to try some hobbies and activities that are quite different from their own work.In fact, such hobbies can not only relieve their mental or physical stress,but also benefit their career in the long run.

To fully enjoy their free tiem,people have many hobbies to choose.Obviously,healthy hobbies contribute a lot to the well-being of people’s
personal lifes.Mountain climbing provide aerobic training which can stimulate one’s blood circulation;Reading historical novels can enrich one’s knowledge and raise his cultural awareness;Visiting a museum can promote one’s aesthetic standards and Listening to classical music can bring great relaxation and pleasure.Besides bring entertainments and recreations,these hobbies are also highly rewarding in enhancing your job performance.For example,Playing an musical instrument can improve the collabortion between people’s left brain and right brain,thus increase their mathematical ability.Mountain climbing can strenghten your endurance,which will aid you when you have to work overtime.

Does a football player have to paly basketball after trainning to increase his jump and stamina?Does a painter have to go to the art exhibitions in his spare time to gain extra inspirations?The answer is definitely no.Dedicating to much time and effort into work related hobbies can only be counterproductive.For example,a computer programmer works on a computer for over 10hours everyday.If he continues to browse the internet and searche for files when he returns home,his eyes and shoulder will definitely go on protest.He needs a rest and something for a change.Listening to some music may give him better inspirations.

Just as a programmer that deals with C++ codes everyday will not even turn on his computer when he reaches home,people do not have to take work-related hobbies to enhance their competence for the job.In fact,there are so many hobbies that can contribute to the well-being of your personal life as well as benefit your career.

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