2. Career switch between university degree and actual work (因为我本科学的跟现在做的没关系)
3. Why MBA? Why MBA at this point of your life?
4. How can you contribute to your university?
5. tell me something interesting at work
6. what are the strengths and weaknesses of your application?
7. Why UF
Overall feeling:
我的面官是Michelle。感觉人非常非常的nice。我第一个问题Tell me about yourself的时候有点紧张,傻乎乎地问她是不是要go through my resume again,她挺耐心地给我解释不是要过简历,是要我自己弄个精简版的summary。在我讲的过程中,她时不时会来个简短的点评,鼓励我说下去。感觉引导得挺好。