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标题: PREP CR1-20 [打印本页]

作者: lanshichao92    时间: 2011-5-11 07:09     标题: PREP CR1-20


For years the beautiful Renaissance buildings in Palitito have been damaged by exhaust from the many tour buses that come to the city.
There has been little parking space, so most buses have idled at the curb during each stop on their tour, and idling produces as much exhaust as driving.
The city has now provided parking that accommodates a third of the tour buses, so damage to Palitito's buildings from the buses' exhaust will diminish significantly.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument?

(A) The exhaust from Palitito's few automobiles is not a significant threat to Palitito's buildings.

(B) Palitito's Renaissance buildings are not threatened by pollution other than engine exhaust.

(C) Tour buses typically spend less than one-quarter of the time they are in Palitito transporting passengers from one site to another.

(D) More tourists come to Palitito by tour bus than by any other single means of transportation.

(E) Some of the tour buses that are unable to find parking drive around Palitito while their passengers are visiting a site.


作者: zcooles    时间: 2011-5-11 21:08

好  讓我們來想像一下~

沒有足夠停車空間 --> Bus 會停在每個站牌之間的路邊+發動著 --> 污染嚴重

後來變成:  增加 1/3 多的停車空間 --> xxx  --> 污染大大降低

根據 答案C, 滿足xxx 就是 : Bus 有更多的合法停車地方 並 比原來減少 1/4 的時間 在每一個站中運送乘客 也不再需要必須臨停在路邊並發動著engine而造成污染

所以 C 可以支持減少污染的論點

Hope helps~

作者: lanshichao92    时间: 2011-5-12 06:43

Thanks a lot~
作者: xiexiang    时间: 2011-5-12 21:23

作者: momohe    时间: 2011-5-13 06:36

至于B是无关选项 文中并没有比较别的污染物
作者: liuyinghong    时间: 2011-5-13 21:03

B为什么不对呢 可是由于没有其他污染,所以有更多paking 这样尾气也少了 建筑物自然受尾气伤害少了啊.
作者: yidiyuehans    时间: 2011-5-14 07:21

c:tour buses少于1/4的时间在路上接送时刻,隐含的意思就是:tour buses会用多于1/4的时间停车(停在新建的parking lot),不用idle了,所以就环保了。

作者: imbalancey    时间: 2011-5-15 07:42


题目的意思是说政府提供了更多的停车位,使得bus空车等待的时间大幅减少,因此减少了尾气排放,这里都是发生的事实,没有争议。直到最后一句其实是题目的关键so damage to Palitito's buildings from the buses' exhaust will diminish significantly.这个是论断,需要我们找一个最有力的证据证明。B选项并没有直接证明尾气排放对建筑物的影响,而是去提到其他的污染源,与题干不符。

再来看C为什么对。我们设想一下,如果平时这些tour bus大部分时间都在路上开,停靠的时间很短,那么修建停车设施的作用就很小了。而C选项是说,平时bus其实只用了1/4的时间来送客人,隐含的意思是有3/4的时间bus都在开着发动机等待。这恰恰直接支持了政府兴建bus停车场的措施是有效的。


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